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Is Sheffield Council about to sell off bits of Graves Park YET AGAIN?

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I presume this is the stone built house at the end of the Upper part of Cobnar Road, where Cobnar Road becomes a footpath leading down to Woodseats? The house with the yard used as a through-cut to the park? Hmm...I wonder if it will include the outbuildings too?

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I presume this is the stone built house at the end of the Upper part of Cobnar Road, where Cobnar Road becomes a footpath leading down to Woodseats? The house with the yard used as a through-cut to the park? Hmm...I wonder if it will include the outbuildings too?


And then of course they will want just a bit more parkland for a garden, and then a bit more for a garage, and as happened with the farm they will ask for a bit more to make it more private from the playing fields, and then a bit more for.. etc etc.

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I presume this is the stone built house at the end of the Upper part of Cobnar Road, where Cobnar Road becomes a footpath leading down to Woodseats? The house with the yard used as a through-cut to the park? Hmm...I wonder if it will include the outbuildings too?


I've asked the very same question as I'm not absolutely sure if it's that building or the little gatehouse by the wrought iron gated entrance. I didn't think the old barn like building had been used in a long long time. if it is that building anfdnot the gate house it'll disappear as it's looking in rather a sorry state much like the cottage over by the nursery site that ended up being shored up with lengths of what looked like old joists.

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I presume this is the stone built house at the end of the Upper part of Cobnar Road, where Cobnar Road becomes a footpath leading down to Woodseats? The house with the yard used as a through-cut to the park? Hmm...I wonder if it will include the outbuildings too?


And then of course they will want just a bit more parkland for a garden, and then a bit more for a garage, and as happened with the farm they will ask for a bit more to make it more private from the playing fields, and then a bit more for.. etc etc.


The old gatekeepers houses in Burngreave cemetery were rescued from dereliction and used as halfway houses for ex prisoners.

This would maintain the building whilst serving a useful purpose to the community.

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I've asked the very same question as I'm not absolutely sure if it's that building or the little gatehouse by the wrought iron gated entrance. I didn't think the old barn like building had been used in a long long time. if it is that building anfdnot the gate house it'll disappear as it's looking in rather a sorry state much like the cottage over by the nursery site that ended up being shored up with lengths of what looked like old joists.



Cobnar Cottage,


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Ta very much for the link, silly me hadn't thought of looking on Google. I'm going to have to take a wander up there as although I can picture in my minds eye the view from the road I can't remember what it looks like from the other side, i.e'.from the park

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Ta very much for the link, silly me hadn't thought of looking on Google. I'm going to have to take a wander up there as although I can picture in my minds eye the view from the road I can't remember what it looks like from the other side, i.e'.from the park


I'm not sure you can see it from the park any more. The council have let it become overgrown so that they can give the impression that it isn't in the park any more. The next one will be the modern house over by the cricket pavillion. It should never have been built in the park but the council will undoubtably have a go at flogging that along with a bit of road they will have to build to it followed by a few more houses in the park to take advantage of the road they built.

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I can picture the path in the park, the old single storey outbuildings used to store rubbish i think last time I went past and the overgrown evergreen where the stone built toilets were. However there's a curious blank spot in my memory for the cottage itself

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I can picture the path in the park, the old single storey outbuildings used to store rubbish i think last time I went past and the overgrown evergreen where the stone built toilets were. However there's a curious blank spot in my memory for the cottage itself


I have no recollection of a toilet block there. Are you thinking of the bottom end of Cobnar Road?

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