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Is Sheffield Council about to sell off bits of Graves Park YET AGAIN?

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You said it was being sold, so buy it from whoever is aiming to put it on the market.


Better still, make a donation to cover the restoration costs so the building doesn't have to be sold off.


Would you buy your own furniture from someone offering to sell it to you?


Graves Park already belongs to us. Anyone trying to sell bits of it is a thief. But if you would like to make a donation to the council that's up to you.

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Would you buy your own furniture from someone offering to sell it to you?


Graves Park already belongs to us. Anyone trying to sell bits of it is a thief. But if you would like to make a donation to the council that's up to you.


I have not read the entire thread so can you tell me if this building is classed as part of the park? Is it an asset that belongs to the park?


I don't care about this particular building. I'd rather something proactive is done than for my overstretched council tax to be wasted on a knackered old building that holds no positive value to the park (other than financial).

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I have not read the entire thread so can you tell me if this building is classed as part of the park? Is it an asset that belongs to the park?


I don't care about this particular building. I'd rather something proactive is done than for my overstretched council tax to be wasted on a knackered old building that holds no positive value to the park (other than financial).


The building is part of Graves Park and was part of the land given to the people of Sheffield by JG Graves. It is also part of the Graves Park Charity and has a covenant accepted by the city council that it cannot be sold. Apart from that the council are on pretty solid ground.


Lets hope folk remember who it was cost them tens of thousands of pound the last 2 or 3 times the council attempted this type of land grab, and who to blame for the tens of thousand pounds it will cost if they attempt it again.

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To be honest, I think the council is between a rock and a hard place which is where central Government want them to be.

They've slashed millions off the money that the council receive. Do you just think the shortfall will just be made up in best wishes and the odd 40p from a parking meter ?


Whether it's right or wrong makes no difference. Imagine what you would do if your income was suddenly reduced by 25/50%.


We're, as a country, spending beyond our means apparently, so don't be surprised when this sort of thing happens. You are going to see a lot more of it before we are done.

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This cottage serves no purpose at all it has been empty for years and has no useful use at all sell it off and plough the money into the parks

Years ago its would have been viable but now it's an eyesore that the conical can capitalise on


But it doesn't belong to the council though so that's not really relevant. I wandered over yesterday to take a look. Interestingly Radio Sheffield were also there taking a look. I suppose they are now smart enough not to listen to the council when they tell them a place is derelict. It looks like a perfectly good cottage to me and in a pretty decent state of repair. The garden is totally overgrown which I find strange seeing as how it is stuck in a park where gardeners and lumber jacks operate daily.

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