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Do you have to be left-wing if you want to teach politics?

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Can anyone be a politics teacher/ lecturer , or do you have to hold left wing views as a pre-requisite to go into teaching in this area ?


It just seems a bit biased to me that those who teach impressionable young 18 year olds should be so biased themselves in favour of Labour .


Sheffield University boasts links with John Bercow and David Blunkett - I personally feel that this is totally biased , what about inviting Uncle Nick or the Greens into this cosy relationship? Surely the teaching of politics should at least attempt to be neutral?

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The whole academic world is dominated by lefties.

That's because most suitably intelligent right wing people are more interested in making money for themselves than the lower paid work of educating other people.

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I exclude Engineering and Medicine , but the vast majority of lecturers seem to be so biased and left wing that I fear the young will be brainwashed . It has been cruelly said of teachers that they teach because they cannot "do", but I am starting to agree with this .


The University needs to look very closely at its' "highly recommended" politics department because in my opinion it is extremely biased . ( You rub my back , I'll rub yours" ......................................

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But don't you think it's wrong that naive students should be taught/ indoctrinated by lefties ? Teaching should be neutral , and I thought that the whole point of a university education was to encourage students to question things and think for themselves ........


can Sheffield University Politics Department honestly say that they do this , when the only politicians thay expose their students to are those of the Labour variety?

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It just seems a bit biased to me that those who teach impressionable young 18 year olds should be so biased themselves in favour of Labour .


Sheffield University boasts links with John Bercow and David Blunkett - I personally feel that this is totally biased ,


The whole academic world is dominated by lefties.



That would be John Bercow the conservative speaker and Blunkett the right wing Blairite?

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But don't you think it's wrong that naive students should be taught/ indoctrinated by lefties ? Teaching should be neutral , and I thought that the whole point of a university education was to encourage students to question things and think for themselves ........


can Sheffield University Politics Department honestly say that they do this , when the only politicians thay expose their students to are those of the Labour variety?

John Bercow, who you mentioned in your first post, is a Conservative.

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