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Do you have to be left-wing if you want to teach politics?

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Libuse , I have been through your academic sausage machine more than once , and have the tacky certificates to prove it .

Regards x




I'm going to have to guess here at what you mean by "my" sausage factory. Do you meant higher education? I can assure you that higher education isn't my "sausage machine." I left it a couple of decades ago with a bachelor's degree and a suspicion that the people who spend their lives there probably aren't very good at real life.


However, you tell me you have two "tacky certificates" from said sausage factory. If that's the case you've certainly proved one of my other suspicions.

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Sorry libuse , but I have a proper job in the real world so don't have the time to react to your outbursts of teaching crap , regards


Well that's a tad aggressive and lacking in substance, but again, fulfilled my suspicions. I'm not sure what "outbursts of teaching crap" are but I'll be sure to keep an eye out for them in future.


Hope the paper round goes ok in the morning.

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Probably because right wingers tend to be ill educated semi literate dullards as is repeatedly proved on this forum


I don't agree. They're not all simple. I think the key problem is the right wing tendency to simplistic binary arguments. There's two groups on here. The ones who blow the dog whistle, i.e. the clever ones. And then there's the ones who obey, the stupid ones.

The clever ones get very upset if you try and disrupt what they are doing. That's the signal for the stupid ones to start bullying.


Happens over and over again.

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I don't agree. They're not all simple. I think the key problem is the right wing tendency to simplistic binary arguments. There's two groups on here. The ones who blow the dog whistle, i.e. the clever ones. And then there's the ones who obey, the stupid ones.

The clever ones get very upset if you try and disrupt what they are doing. That's the signal for the stupid ones to start bullying.


Happens over and over again.


That's a "right wing" thing is it? The left wing don't dog whistle away every day?


St Trayvon seems like a very good recent example of dog whistle perpetrated by self identified "progressives" to the detriment of a decent mans civil rights and legal process, but I've yet to see a self identified leftist oppose it on this forum.

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But don't you think it's wrong that naive students should be taught/ indoctrinated by lefties ? Teaching should be neutral , and I thought that the whole point of a university education was to encourage students to question things and think for themselves ........


can Sheffield University Politics Department honestly say that they do this , when the only politicians thay expose their students to are those of the Labour variety?


While I agree that teaching should be neutral, or at least balanced and looking at all points of view, I think that intelligent people would find it difficult to defend the inherant unfairness of right wing politics, as would anyone else with a sense of history and fair play.


Every single step forward made by the ordinary working man, ie 99% of us, has had to be fought for and won in the teeth of outrageous and aggresive opposition by the 'ruling' classes.

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Can anyone be a politics teacher/ lecturer , or do you have to hold left wing views as a pre-requisite to go into teaching in this area ?


When I went to University my Politics tutor was also a speech writer for the old Liberal Party - the Chancellor of the University was Joe Grimond - ex - Liberal leader.

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