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Do you have to be left-wing if you want to teach politics?

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Well that's utter garbage. The poorer areas of Britain tend to vote left, the richer vote right. Are well educated people more likely to be poor than stupid people?


Maybe vote left, if in fact, there are any leftwing parties in the UK, but even if they did vote left they'd probably share rightwing views. Look at Barnsley.

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That's a "right wing" thing is it? The left wing don't dog whistle away every day?


St Trayvon seems like a very good recent example of dog whistle perpetrated by self identified "progressives" to the detriment of a decent mans civil rights and legal process, but I've yet to see a self identified leftist oppose it on this forum.


I was commenting more on this forum. The right wing threads seem curiously planned and managed, the posters often seem coordinated as well.


I haven't even read the Zimmerman threads to be honest. It looked to me like something for the American courts. Anyway, I have a policy now to stay away as much as possible from threads relating to racism, Islam, Judaism etc... Sometimes I get sucked into them, not often.

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Just done a test and I'm apparently slightly left and libertarian. Still non the wiser though.
Interesting site. I'm apparently rather more to the left and slightly more below the authoritarian level than you. Didn't realise I was that lefty tbh.


Interesting that Cameron, Obama and Miliband are all in differing positions on the Authoritarian Right? Along with Assad, who is shown more to the left than either Obama or Cameron, which I find quite strange. Although the assessment might have been done before his recent troubles.


ETA: No he's not, don't know me right from me left :hihi:

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Can anyone be a politics teacher/ lecturer , or do you have to hold left wing views as a pre-requisite to go into teaching in this area ?


It just seems a bit biased to me that those who teach impressionable young 18 year olds should be so biased themselves in favour of Labour .


Sheffield University boasts links with John Bercow and David Blunkett - I personally feel that this is totally biased , what about inviting Uncle Nick or the Greens into this cosy relationship? Surely the teaching of politics should at least attempt to be neutral?


you need to be left wing if you want to subvert a group of people into thinking what you want them to think.

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Interesting site. I'm apparently rather more to the left and slightly more below the authoritarian level than you. Didn't realise I was that lefty tbh.


Interesting that Cameron, Obama and Miliband are all in differing positions on the Authoritarian Right? Along with Assad, who is shown more to the left than either Obama or Cameron, which I find quite strange. Although the assessment might have been done before his recent troubles.


It didn't show that when I looked at it - here's just the comparison chart. Cameron and Obama are only just to the left of him admittedly but they are to the left of him.

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That works on all parts of the spectrum.


I would say the lefties are better at it, while the righties tend to use strength.


Lefties like to make you think you agree with them, while righties like to say, think like us or I'll hit you.

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That works on all parts of the spectrum.


It does indeed, and not just in the field of education. I would say that a lot of the media and marketing is about subverting a group of people and encouraging them to think (and even vote) in a certain way.


On the broader point I would have thought that on a politics course, students are taught a whole variety of theories from left to right; and at university much of what students learn do so from their own endeavours, rather than having a lecturer tell them what to think.

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Lefties like to make you think you agree with them, while righties like to say, think like us or I'll hit you.


Utter rubbish. Most righties couldn't care less how other people think. It's the left who have a bug up their behind about making people think differently.

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