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Do you have to be left-wing if you want to teach politics?

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Just done a test and I'm apparently slightly left and libertarian. Still non the wiser though.


I've just been looking for a thread that I remembered from ages ago. Here it is


Is it the same test?


Last time I got this http://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/showpost.php?p=7883461&postcount=233


I'll try it again. It didn't show me as a right-wing bully last time, as Mecky likes to call people.

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Utter rubbish. Most righties couldn't care less how other people think. It's the left who have a bug up their behind about making people think differently.


How did you come to such an erroneous conclusion? Did you think about it, or did you just make it up?


---------- Post added 29-07-2013 at 17:47 ----------


Most of academia is dominated by left wing people simply because people with more/better education tend to be left wing, especially in the humanities.


---------- Post added 29-07-2013 at 16:42 ----------



I think you'd call the gun nuts in America right wing would you not?


Is their stance not libertarian?


They may be libertarian on gun control, but that doesn't stop them being authoritarian on other issues

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They may be libertarian on gun control, but that doesn't stop them being authoritarian on other issues


Some of them undoubtedly are but quite a few of them hold libertarian views on most things. Remember, we are not discussing whether all US gun nuts are libertarian but whether it is possible to be both right wing and a libertarian.

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Well that's utter garbage. The poorer areas of Britain tend to vote left, the richer vote right. Are well educated people more likely to be poor than stupid people?


Voting isn't political - the poor vote for wealth redistribution, the rich vote for wealth concentration - it's not computational fluid dynamics.

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Can anyone be a politics teacher/ lecturer , or do you have to hold left wing views as a pre-requisite to go into teaching in this area ?


It just seems a bit biased to me that those who teach impressionable young 18 year olds should be so biased themselves in favour of Labour .


Sheffield University boasts links with John Bercow and David Blunkett - I personally feel that this is totally biased , what about inviting Uncle Nick or the Greens into this cosy relationship? Surely the teaching of politics should at least attempt to be neutral?


Andrew Brons, BNP MEP for Yorks & Humber (has since resigned from BNP) had been a long standing lecturer of politics at Harrogate college, so I wouldn't say it excludes people from teaching to have right wing views.


In general I think the education system is heavily weighted towards the left, it is after all still a heavily unionised industry. When I did my final years at school in the 1990's, I remember we had a classroom for "PSE" or "Personal & Social Education". The room was covered in CND posters and the teacher was extremely left. We were taught things like "war is wrong" and she almost seemed horrified to find out one of my parents was serving forces personnel.

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Most people grow up and realise what a load of balls left wing politics is.




Then get in there and start lecturing. An opportunity not to be missed.


Other than the usual guff type opinion (see above) I don't think I've ever read a ground breaking comment by you on politics, left, right or centre.



Most academics I know do lean from the centre to the left simply because of the reason Altus put forward. Mental achievement seems to take advantage over financial worth.

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Then get in there and start lecturing. An opportunity not to be missed.


Other than the usual guff type opinion (see above) I don't think I've ever read a ground breaking comment by you on politics, left, right or centre.



Most academics I know do lean from the centre to the left simply because of the reason Altus put forward. Mental achievement seems to take advantage over financial worth.

What "mental achievement"?


What "ground breaking comments" have you made?

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