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Why are some people so manipulative

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I come across some people who are so selfish & manipulative that they always try & get their own way no matter whether they are wrong . These people really get on my nerves. It drives me insane . Why are they so selfish & don't care what happens because of what they do . I have just finished 7 nights & some of the people I have come across this week just beggar belief in how manipulative they can be. Just thought I would rant because I get so cross with these people

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Don't let it get to you. It's a character flaw and it's their problem. Just try to disassociate as much as possible. If you're forced to deal with them as part of your job then just keep everything cold and professional.

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I come across some people who are so selfish & manipulative that they always try & get their own way no matter whether they are wrong . These people really get on my nerves. It drives me insane . Why are they so selfish & don't care what happens because of what they do . I have just finished 7 nights & some of the people I have come across this week just beggar belief in how manipulative they can be. Just thought I would rant because I get so cross with these people


So long as you're aware of their machinations, what does it matter why they are that way; that is there business. The question that jumps out at me is, why do you care / get cross / allow yourself to lose your emotional equilibrium?


Really, screw them, just so long as you are aware and don't allow them to harm you in any way?


Of course, if you want to dig deeper, perhaps there are good reasons people are the way they are, however, it is quite possibly they themselves will not be aware of those reasons. Suffice to say, I don't think people are often intentionally evil, they're just lacking in self awareness and acting out their own subconscious hurts and pain.

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I get cross & do care because of the job I do . I have to care . But it is annoying when they only see what they want even though it is wrong .


Lets put it this way, do you think you'll get better results trying to change them? Or by changing your own perceptions and responses?

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I get cross & do care because of the job I do . I have to care . But it is annoying when they only see what they want even though it is wrong .


As shaz112 said, just try to disassociate as much as you can. In my experience of these sorts of people they will have few, if any, long term friends as their manipulations become annoying and before too long their friends ditch them.

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Lets put it this way, do you think you'll get better results trying to change them? Or by changing your own perceptions and responses?


Oh I see, so all the grinders are right are they? What kind of an attitude is that? We have a new manager at work and instead of the manager fitting into a system that has worked for years, the manager is trying to change the system so that it suits them, no matter how the change affects everyone else. That's crazy!

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