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Why are some people so manipulative

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Hell no. They are also asking staff for ideas to improve the system too. Excuse me, but that is the job of the managers not the workers. Managers make the decisions and live or die by them, the workers work. And if a worker does have a good idea why should they pass it on to a manager who will undoubtedly try and take all the credit for the idea and maybe a bonus too?


Too improve things for all workers. Be thankful you have one that cares to ask.

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Hell no. They are also asking staff for ideas to improve the system too. Excuse me, but that is the job of the managers not the workers. Managers make the decisions and live or die by them, the workers work. And if a worker does have a good idea why should they pass it on to a manager who will undoubtedly try and take all the credit for the idea and maybe a bonus too?


You want managers to make decisions.. you offer no input and when the decisions don't suit you you complain...? Oh well....

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Too improve things for all workers. Be thankful you have one that cares to ask.




Also if they are fair minded manager then they will give them kudos hopefully for the idea. True not always the case sadly in bigger businesses.

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Also if they are fair minded manager then they will give them kudos hopefully for the idea. True not always the case sadly in bigger businesses.


That's the problem, little managers trying to ease themselves up the corporate ladder on the back of someone elses hard work. Certainly, a lot of managers around here only ask for ideas because they have no idea themselves. If it does all go wrong, the managers will turn around and say it was your idea, it's what you wanted. If per very small chance it is a good idea and works well, the manager will try and take the credit for it.

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That's the problem, little managers trying to ease themselves up the corporate ladder on the back of someone elses hard work. Certainly, a lot of managers around here only ask for ideas because they have no idea themselves. If it does all go wrong, the managers will turn around and say it was your idea, it's what you wanted. If per very small chance it is a good idea and works well, the manager will try and take the credit for it.


That bit there. If it goes wrong to the detriment of the company or business it's the manager that will be blamed not the workers as it's they who make the final decision.

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Hell no. They are also asking staff for ideas to improve the system too. Excuse me, but that is the job of the managers not the workers. Managers make the decisions and live or die by them, the workers work. And if a worker does have a good idea why should they pass it on to a manager who will undoubtedly try and take all the credit for the idea and maybe a bonus too?


Damned if they do, and damned if they don't! Successful managers are usually inclusive and listen to sensible suggestions from their team. Good team members make sensible suggestions. Poor team members usually have nothing helpful to add but prefer to snipe and/or take their bat and ball home. Some organisations make the error of promoting people just because they can do their current job, or they've been in the job a long time. Anyone who has studied management will recognise the Peter principle.


After 40+ years in a variety of jobs, I've had some great managers, some great colleagues, and some great teams. I've also had the others. It works both ways.


---------- Post added 29-07-2013 at 14:55 ----------




Also if they are fair minded manager then they will give them kudos hopefully for the idea. True not always the case sadly in bigger businesses.


Of course they will. Managers are often judged on how their team performs, so its in their interests to ensure the right people are recognised for their input. It's a while since I worked in the private sector, for around 15 years I worked for two local authorities and then the civil service. I found some of the management styles were out of the dark ages, but some of the staff wouldn't last a week outside either.

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