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Will Nightclub Entry Charges Become a thing of the past?


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I was wondering if the combination of more bars having ever longer opening hours and the new smoking law due to come into effect next year if nightclub entry charges will become increasingly a thing of the past.


What do you think?


As a club owner of a number of places in Sheffield let me make something clear, it costs ALOT OF MONEY TO RUN A CLUB!

Let's quickly, in the time I have give a tiny glimpse into this world you have the following;

- DJ costs

- PRS Licences (Proforming rights Society)

- PLL (for playing records)

- Entertainment Licences (opening late after 11pm)

- Council Licences (various)

- Commerical waste collection, DAMN DAMN EXPENSIVE!

- Health and Safety enviroment issues and harder compliance

- Fire safety compliance, much stricter, more money

- Door staff and more security, people are more work dealing with in clubs

- More Staff costs, late pay, over time and special hours pay

- Glass replacements and property damages repairs, 10x more in clubs

- Promotions, damn they are expensive

- ATM machines, Cig machines (they don't make as much as you think!)

- CCTV compliance, got to have 30 days etc etc etc all areas covered!

- Personal Licence holders, multiples to be sure

- Special Events notices and lawyers dealing with courts and licencing! ouch!

- Lost property issues, toilets being kicked in every f*cken week etc etc

- Drugs bins, specialised removal services

- Special waste removal bins (tampons etc)

- Business Rates (Free money to the council to do Sod all for it)

- Pubwatch style organisations you have to join.....blerh

- Anti theft devices to stop patrons and staff nicking cash!! Cash business bad for this....


and the list goes on and on and on and on............If clubs don't have the door, you can bet we would all close down in an instant! As one of the larger group club owners in town and the chief financial officer, I know the costs and every damn government and council and the "system" in general has it's hand in your pocket the moment you open those doors and let the public in, especially after 11pm!

So maybe just maybe there are good reasons for clubs to charge at the door......it's just not financially feasible and don't be fooled, NONE of us make as much money as everyone thinks.....

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what might change is that numbers of people going to clubs will fall.

If I can stay in a pub until i'm ready to go home i'll probably never go to a club again.

Obviously some people like clubbing, and they'll keep going, but the people who had to go to a club or go home at 11 now have other options.

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