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Councils & Profiting from Parking Fines (not the usual thread)

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So recently we've heard a lot from all sides regarding this and I'm not really interested in rehashing that debate. On a personal note I see it as black and white. You park illegal, you face the consequences, it's that simple.


However let's move forward. Since the main crux of the argument seems to be the council making "large sums" from fining drivers who are breaking the law, how about we change the penalty?


For arguments sake we need a small amount of money to cover the administration etc so I suggest £30 flat rate. But not stopping there with the penalties. In addition to the £30 you're going to get points, on a "3 strikes" kinda deal.


1st offence - 3pts

2nd offence - 3pts

3rd offence - 6pts (and yooourrrr out! of a driving licence of course) 90 days driving ban.


By the way I am a motorist before people start insinuating I hate cars and drivers etc.



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If you're going to want to put points on peoples licence you'd need a way to prove it was them who illegally parked the car.


Which unless you have CCTV or a confession then you cannot.


A small amendment to the law would solve that. The registered keeper is at all times responsible for knowing who is using the vehicle. If they refuse to identify the driver of the vehicle at the time of the contravention then they take the penalty.

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If you're going to want to put points on peoples licence you'd need a way to prove it was them who illegally parked the car.


Which unless you have CCTV or a confession then you cannot.


Doesn't the current system default to the registered keeper anyway, if they don't say someone else was driving? For speeding as an example?

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So recently we've heard a lot from all sides regarding this and I'm not really interested in rehashing that debate. On a personal note I see it as black and white. You park illegal, you face the consequences, it's that simple.


If you read some of the other threads I think you'll find it's actually more about people being taken for every penny they've got when they park legally. Or indeed at all.

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For arguments sake we need a small amount of money to cover the administration etc so I suggest £30 flat rate.


Already in place, pay up within 14 days and its £35, or even £25.




And I don't think people rack up penalties enough to get a ban, once is usually enough.

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So what's next on the list, are we going to start putting people in prison for over-filling their wheelie bin?


Would you like to see old grannies given community service for holding up traffic on a Sunday morning?


Why don't we just start putting people to death when they fall behind on their rent??

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