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Good bye Sheffield!

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Well, after just over 2 months of living here I will be saying good bye to Sheffield.


I move to London next week to start my new job.


So long Sheffield, thanks for all the fish!


I didn't know the Sea Life London Aquarium had dolphin's ;)

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Well, after just over 2 months of living here I will be saying good bye to Sheffield.


I move to London next week to start my new job.


So long Sheffield, thanks for all the fish!


You met loads of Sheffield women from 'Plenty Of Fish'? :hihi:

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People who 'knock' Sheffield are often those who live here but haven't strayed from this wonderful city.

Try living in a place like Bradford and tell me Sheffield isn't a great place to live !:)

Good luck to the OP - hope your new job is well paid - it's SO expensive to live anywhere near London.


I get what you mean about the people who knock Sheffield, but lots of others do also. I lived in London many, many years ago and hated everything about it.


I'm going back 45 years to my school days, they used to ask me if I was Irish, Scottish when I told them I was from Sheffield they all said "Where's that".


They have absolutely no comprehension of life beyond Watford Gap, I could not live anywhere else but Sheffield; absolutely love the place.

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Cheers guys.


Sadly Sheffield hasn't been very kind to me in my time here. I don't have much intention on coming back unless I really have to. I have nothing against the place as such, but some of the people I have met here haven't been that nice.


Technically after Thursday morning at 4:30am, I only have around 12 hours left in Sheffield.

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Cheers guys.


Sadly Sheffield hasn't been very kind to me in my time here. I don't have much intention on coming back unless I really have to. I have nothing against the place as such, but some of the people I have met here haven't been that nice.


Technically after Thursday morning at 4:30am, I only have around 12 hours left in Sheffield.

Make the most of it, then.


There's an old saying that if you found the people in your last place nasty, the people in your next place are more than likely to be the same. If you found them ok, it'll be the same in your next place.


Best of luck in the future. :thumbsup:

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