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Canceling sky phone and internet and tv

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Watch for those nasty and cleverly disguised cancellation fees. They'll be there in the small print somewhere.


It'd be easier breaking out of Belmarsh prison than getting out of that contract!


Oh - and start saving because they'll make you pay, believe me.

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how long u been with them and have you recentley added say hd if so then that could be a reason


I dont think adding HD has a minimum term (will check that though), of course the OP could have merely asked the phone operator what the reason was and it would have avoided us lot making guesses :rolleyes:

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So far then it could be:


- OP is still in the original 12 month term (unlikely given he/she can cancel the phone and WWW)

- OP added HD which put him/her into a new 12 month term

- OP added Multiroom which put him/her into a new 12 month term


Any more for any more?

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just wondered if anyone as had the same problen tried to cancel my sky tv phone and internet when i phoned them they told me i could cancel phone and internet but not tv could this be true


if you are cancelling, make a note of the person's name you spoke to and the exact time you spoke to them. i cancelled a few years ago and they kept trying to take money, i had to get my bank to block them from taking it. when i phoned up they denied all knowledge of my phone call to cancel. months later (after quite a few letters and phone calls) they got debt collectors involved for the princely sum of £41. Whoever i had spoken to initially kept me on the phone for half an hour while they cancelled it so how they had no record of it i will never know.

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