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Sports Direct 90% of staff on 0 hour contracts

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Apparently Amazon also make staff wear tracking tags so that their bosses can check up on them. If staff are found to breach any of the company rules, such as talking to colleagues, they can be dismissed on a '3 strikes and you're out basis.'


Why don't they just go the whole hog and weld a metal collar round their necks....?


Got a source on that? Seems a bit OTT even for big business.

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Got a source on that? Seems a bit OTT even for big business.


Today's Daily Mail (so it must be true) but I've also heard about it before, tho I can't remember where. Maybe someone who's worked at Amazon can verify or deny it for us.

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Why don't they just go the whole hog and weld a metal collar round their necks....?


Because that would be stupid.


Apparently Amazon also make staff wear tracking tags so that their bosses can check up on them.


Have you seen the size of the depot? It's absolutely gigantic. With today's technology, it seems quite reasonable that this might be the case.


Almost every job I've ever done, there has been some sort of supervisor watching over us. It's just a modern way of doing it in a very large building. It looks like an easy place to skive.




Can you answer post #73 while I have someone's attention.

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Because that would be stupid.




Have you seen the size of the depot? It's absolutely gigantic. With today's technology, it seems quite reasonable that this might be the case.


Almost every job I've ever done, there has been some sort of supervisor watching over us. It's just a modern way of doing it in a very large building. It looks like an easy place to skive.




Can you answer post #73 while I have someone's attention.


Amazon are introducing robots to do the work.


Obviously not destroying enough jobs already



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A zero hour contract seems to me to place a number of constraints upon an employee whilst simultaneously allowing the employer a remarkable freedom from obligations to that same employee – to the extent that they may decide that in a given week there is no work available and therefore no income due to the individual so contracted.


It appears to me that you are simultaneously endorsing the government's rhetoric that the unemployed are shirkers and scroungers and the government policy that people who refuse to take up the offer of employment should be penalised by withdrawal of their benefits, even if that employment does not come with any guarantee of work or income.


How might a person survive without any income if their zero hour contractor does not provide any work in a given period of, for example, one week, or two weeks?


I believe that any person who does not take a job which they are capable of doing should have all benefits stopped.


If they are available for work and no work is available they should be assisted. I do not consider such a person a scrounger, I admire such a person and m happy to see my taxes go to help them. As long as they work when they can.


I trust this correctly states my opinion.

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Say it was 60/40, or even 80/20, then would the people on the thread who are saying how disgusting 0 hour contracts are still complain?


If so what is the cut off point? What is acceptable?


If they are arguing for 100%, then the simple truth would be that companies would have to employ fewer people.


This is post 73, but what exactly do you want me to answer?


If it's what I think is acceptable, then I see no reason why a company cannot operate efficiently with full time and part time staff on regular hours, like we managed welll enough with for years.


Any company worth its salt should know when its busy and slack times are and can arrange rotas accordingly. Agency staff can always be used for exceptionally busy times like Christmas or whatever, but still with a guaranteed number of hours.


---------- Post added 02-08-2013 at 22:32 ----------


Because that would be stupid.




Have you seen the size of the depot? It's absolutely gigantic. With today's technology, it seems quite reasonable that this might be the case.


Almost every job I've ever done, there has been some sort of supervisor watching over us. It's just a modern way of doing it in a very large building. It looks like an easy place to skive.




Can you answer post #73 while I have someone's attention.


The houses of parliament is also gigantic, lets tag all our MPs and find out just what work they actually do.

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