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Sports Direct 90% of staff on 0 hour contracts

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This is the post I gave that response to.




There are many reason why a company might want to relocate somewhere else, one of which would be to remain competitive in a global market and another would be to maximise profits.


Look, I understand the economic argument you are making and it is deeply flawed. Every example on this thread is companies/organisations that are using zero hours contracts to operate in the UK, companies/organisations that cannot realistically relocate their palaces, shops or the people who they care for.


Like I keep saying the company relocation theme is really a taxation thing, removed from the operational realities.


---------- Post added 04-08-2013 at 00:43 ----------


It is possible that the desperate search for the short term profit can and does hurt both the long term future of the company and the economy.


Absolutely. Companies are actively participating in the destruction of their customer base. It's short-termist insanity.

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I'm sure that you would like to limit debate to some minor quibble,


Minor quibble? It is the thread title!



It is my opinion that the zero hour contract should be legislated out of existence.


We could have saved loads of time if you'd written that in the first place.

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Are Amazon's executives tagged?


I doubt it.


Even if Amazon were to have been found guilty of breaking the lax employment laws of this country, which as the Channel 4 link alledges they engage in; they would just get a slap on the wrist.

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Only an idiot would buy from sports direct.


Their returns policy is based on the manufacturers guarantee, so if anything goes wrong, despite the law stating your first port of call and contract is with the selling point, they will direct you to the manufacturer, who will point you back to the sports direct counter. Pretty convenient merry go round given that sports direct manufacture 90% of their own sales.



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We could have saved loads of time if you'd written that in the first place.


Surely it is an essential aspect of any argument to establish the theme in question in context, to explore the underlying issues and to consider the implications of any attitude assumed by those who engage in the debate?

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Absolutely. Companies are actively participating in the destruction of their customer base. It's short-termist insanity.


It's all based upon optimising that years profits to achieve the best share price and dividend. Keeping the shareholders happy seems to be the only thing that matters nowadays in business.


The crazy thing is now our pensions invest heavily in the stock market, the very people whose lives are blighted by such short sighted actions can also be funding the pension plans that are the driving force for those actions.


Lets be clear about one thing, capitalism only works when the wealth created is invested to create more wealth and so on and so forth. If wealth is hoarded at the top levels through ever increasing levels of executive pay, and the consumers do not see any of the wealth through stagnating wages for everyone else, the economy will go nowhere and living standards will drop.

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Perhaps you prefer uninformed discussion? I know the neoliberals do - they are keen to hide the implications of their policies.
i just cant understand why some people on here, who argue that such things llike zero contract hours/agency workers/workfare for tesco and such companies/tax avoidance/a4e/etc (add more to the list if you like)is good for the working man/women of this country:loopy: a lot of people praised thatcher for defeating the unions :suspect: maybe its time the tide is turned and the people of this country defeat all these practises that came from that
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i just cant understand why some people on here, who argue that such things llike zero contract hours/agency workers/workfare for tesco and such companies/tax avoidance/a4e/etc (add more to the list if you like)is good for the working man/women of this country:loopy: a lot of people praised thatcher for defeating the unions :suspect: maybe its time the tide is turned and the people of this country defeat all these practises that came from that


I must admit to being perplexed too. And I hope that we can encourage a change in opinion.


Good post ricgem2002.

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