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Sports Direct 90% of staff on 0 hour contracts

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if this is not stopped or at least curtailed it could be your jobs next . people take take off your blinkers


That's the way it's been moving for years, no committment from employers which leads to employee disatisfaction, shoddy work, lower profit and depression. Talk about employers shooting themselves in the foot. Still, they know best, eh?

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That's the way it's been moving for years, no committment from employers which leads to employee disatisfaction, shoddy work, lower profit and depression. Talk about employers shooting themselves in the foot. Still, they know best, eh?


Indeed! And I wonder what those owners of small businesses here in Sheffield hope for the future, if ever more of their customers are prone to such terms and conditions, such insecurity, and the associated low income?

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Indeed! And I wonder what those owners of small businesses here in Sheffield hope for the future, if ever more of their customers are prone to such terms and conditions, such insecurity, and the associated low income?


It will probably differ from employer to employer, but I suspect smaller employers would tend to be more considerate to their employees than faceless large multinationals.


The article mentions volunteer charity workers as being amongst the worse affected. Although they don't earn a wage/salary, it's an inconvenience to them and the charity because they have to find someone new which is just too time-consuming and trouble.


If you show people that sort of contempt, you'll just get it back. It helps no one.

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That's the way it's been moving for years, no committment from employers which leads to employee disatisfaction, shoddy work, lower profit and depression. Talk about employers shooting themselves in the foot. Still, they know best, eh?


Don't forget that big business is pro-immigration. If the locals wise up and stop playing then just import some cannon fodder.

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Don't forget that big business is pro-immigration. If the locals wise up and stop playing then just import some cannon fodder.


The Daily Mail wouldn't be too happy about that and nor do I suspect would be public opinion. And public opinion is everything, which is why people try and condition your thoughts.

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That's the way it's been moving for years, no committment from employers which leads to employee disatisfaction, shoddy work, lower profit and depression. Talk about employers shooting themselves in the foot. Still, they know best, eh?


That is the other side of the coin and you are of course right with an employer having such little respect for their staff that they wont even give them a basic commitment on any hours they sure are not goanna get much respect back.

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The zero hour contract is just another one of those strategies used by big business to make profits whilst ordinary people count the cost.


We hear a great deal about flexibility, but the real reeason that such policies are being introduced is to suit big business. And big business doesn't like the obligations of little things like paying wages.


So they invent something called the zero hour contract. That means ordinary people being exploited whilst executives enjoy their bonus package.


Sad but true I think.

The govt looks after the needs of businesses before people. Many jobs dont pay enough money for the workers to live on. So the government subsidises the company by granting the worker various benefits / allowances / tax credits etc etc. This allows the company to remain profitable on paper at least- which allows the executives to reward themselves handsomely and the shareholders to be kept happy with a dividend. The whole economy is now so broken that the benefits system reaches into every nook and cranny and creates the illusion that its all functioning correctly. Of course it isnt really- the evidence of that is the huge national debt which shows no real sign of ever getting paid off.

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Please be careful when quoting people, all quotes have an opening and a closing tag, if you miss either then the quote doesn't work and people end up arguing with themselves.

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Not Sports Direct but it's said to affect one million people, much wider than thought http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-23570345


With no security of employment, nor security of tenure, the coming generation has nothing at all to lose.


No stake in society at all.


Watch as the numbers of days lost to strike action rise and rise.


Debt incumbent mortgage slaves do not go on strike. A generation that has been sold down the river WILL strike.


Labour shall be withheld and the demands of the rentiers will be ignored.

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