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Help for hero - bradley manning

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Hi Buck, I might ask you the same question

>>Are you capable of a decision of your own or do you live by the gospel of your ''Government's Propaganda''.<<

What did you say, you couldn't care less.... What? About the truth? But would prefer to sit in your own little bubble? Then you came to the wrong place.


The videos I posted were honest heart rending speeches given by Men who have consciences....and it breaks my heart to think that these Mother's sons had to go through what they did and didn't realise before hand.

Because sadly I believe that many American people have been so duped and dummed down that it will be very difficult for them to get back. A vital part of their education appears to have been lost forever... and like you they couldn't care less. I'm all right Jack - for the moment?


Until: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2013-04-12/guest-post-tunnel-people-live-under-streets-america

Then explain to me what are Fema camps all about?

Then give me your considered opinion about this:



I have no spite towards anyone, unlike you, who appear to be constantly spitting venom..


My last piece to you, which I doubt you will understand anyway... but I will try.

I am extremely patient.

NATO's Great Game..



Peace and love brother, take the red pill.

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Any chance they can have a word with their government about the British citizen that's never been charged with anything and has been held at Guantanamo for eleven years in an appalling and brutal regime?[/QUOTE]


Nearly all the inmates have gained weight. They eat food especially prepared for Muslim requirements. They have copies of the Qu'ran. Their countries of origin dont want them back. Some could face the death penalty if ever they were repatriated


Dont start getting all emotional like and blowing off steam. Maybe Sheffield could arrange for them to be re-settled

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Hello Harleyman,

Where on earth do you get your information from?


>>>Nearly all the inmates have gained weight. They eat food especially prepared for Muslim requirements. They have copies of the Qu'ran. Their countries of origin dont want them back. Some could face the death penalty if ever they were repatriated<<<


Could you please give me a link where it says that Gittmo inmates are gaining weight and have copies of the Quran?

It is reported that 90% of detainees are innocent but are still being held prisoner.


'Confessions' have been tortured out of them.



With the result that many have been starving themselves, because they believe they will never see their families again so they may as well be dead. .


A Shame for all Americans

September - 26 - 2012


On September 8, one of my nightmares came true. Adnan Farhan Abdul Latif, a client of mine who had been held at the Guantanamo Bay detention facility in Cuba for more than 10 years, died alone in his cell. His tragic death will surely be greeted with a shrug by some, but it should prompt the US to reconsider its decision to continue the operation of our infamous offshore prison camp.

Adnan was brought to Guantanamo in January 2002 on suspicion of being associated in some manner with enemy forces in Afghanistan. It is hard to say exactly what the US military thought Adnan had done. Over the years, the government made allegations and then abandoned them.

At one point, the government accused Adnan of “associating” with Al Qaida. But the military never produced any credible evidence to sustain the charge, so the government dropped it.

More recently, the government argued that it was lawful to detain Adnan for 10 years or more at Guantanamo because it believed he had served as a Taliban foot soldier for a few weeks before the US began bombing Afghanistan. But even this diminished allegation could not be proved, as US District Judge, Henry H. Kennedy Jr., determined in 2010.

Adnan’s story was that he went to Afghanistan in late 2001 to receive charitable medical treatment for a head injury from an auto accident he had suffered in Yemen, several years earlier. ''He had hospital records to corroborate his story'' In contrast, the government produced a single, error-ridden, hearsay report, drafted by an unnamed government agent in the fog of war, stating that Adnan had “confessed” (under torture?)to working with the Taliban. Kennedy found the document unreliable and ordered the military to release him.

The judge’s decision shocked few. Indeed, the grimmest fact about Adnan’s death is that since early in his detention, no one really thought he should be at Guantanamo at all. During the George W. Bush administration, the military recommended Adnan for transfer at least three times — in 2004, 2006 and 2008.

We don’t yet know how Adnan died, but I wouldn’t be surprised to ''learn it was by his own hand.'' He had sought release from Guantanamo by attempting suicide several times before. It is also possible his death was caused by the cumulative effect of a decade’s worth of intermittent hunger strikes, which were his only way to protest the injustice of his indefinite detention and the harshness of his treatment at Guantanamo. Either way, his death was caused by his detention.

During one visit, I found Adnan covered in bruises, with one eye swollen shut. Barely able to speak, he explained that a few days earlier an “immediate response force” team — six men in body armour, wielding shields and batons — had forcibly taken him from his cell. (Does this ring a bell with the Woolwich 'killers?'') His offense? He had stepped over a line, painted on the floor of his cell, while his lunch was being passed through the food slot of his door. Another time, after finding Adnan lying on the floor of the interview cell, emaciated and looking near-dead, I asked a judge to order the military to turn over Adnan’s medical records to me and my colleagues. I believed he was either desperately ill or suicidal and that either way the treatment he was receiving was inadequate.

The government responded dismissively to my requests. Adnan was physically and psychologically fit, it claimed, notwithstanding an attempt, a month earlier, to ''hang himself.'' It was just a “suicidal gesture,” officials assured us, not a real effort to kill himself. Perhaps. It is high time to end the Guantanamo experiment?


I believe a reality check is in order?

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Hello Harleyman,

Where on earth do you get your information from?


>>>Nearly all the inmates have gained weight. They eat food especially prepared for Muslim requirements. They have copies of the Qu'ran. Their countries of origin dont want them back. Some could face the death penalty if ever they were repatriated<<<


Could you please give me a link where it says that Gittmo inmates are gaining weight and have copies of the Quran?

It is reported that 90% of detainees are innocent but are still being held prisoner.


'Confessions' have been tortured out of them.



With the result that many have been starving themselves, because they believe they will never see their families again so they may as well be dead. .


A Shame for all Americans

September - 26 - 2012


On September 8, one of my nightmares came true. Adnan Farhan Abdul Latif, a client of mine who had been held at the Guantanamo Bay detention facility in Cuba for more than 10 years, died alone in his cell. His tragic death will surely be greeted with a shrug by some, but it should prompt the US to reconsider its decision to continue the operation of our infamous offshore prison camp.

Adnan was brought to Guantanamo in January 2002 on suspicion of being associated in some manner with enemy forces in Afghanistan. It is hard to say exactly what the US military thought Adnan had done. Over the years, the government made allegations and then abandoned them.

At one point, the government accused Adnan of “associating” with Al Qaida. But the military never produced any credible evidence to sustain the charge, so the government dropped it.

More recently, the government argued that it was lawful to detain Adnan for 10 years or more at Guantanamo because it believed he had served as a Taliban foot soldier for a few weeks before the US began bombing Afghanistan. But even this diminished allegation could not be proved, as US District Judge, Henry H. Kennedy Jr., determined in 2010.

Adnan’s story was that he went to Afghanistan in late 2001 to receive charitable medical treatment for a head injury from an auto accident he had suffered in Yemen, several years earlier. ''He had hospital records to corroborate his story'' In contrast, the government produced a single, error-ridden, hearsay report, drafted by an unnamed government agent in the fog of war, stating that Adnan had “confessed” (under torture?)to working with the Taliban. Kennedy found the document unreliable and ordered the military to release him.

The judge’s decision shocked few. Indeed, the grimmest fact about Adnan’s death is that since early in his detention, no one really thought he should be at Guantanamo at all. During the George W. Bush administration, the military recommended Adnan for transfer at least three times — in 2004, 2006 and 2008.

We don’t yet know how Adnan died, but I wouldn’t be surprised to ''learn it was by his own hand.'' He had sought release from Guantanamo by attempting suicide several times before. It is also possible his death was caused by the cumulative effect of a decade’s worth of intermittent hunger strikes, which were his only way to protest the injustice of his indefinite detention and the harshness of his treatment at Guantanamo. Either way, his death was caused by his detention.

During one visit, I found Adnan covered in bruises, with one eye swollen shut. Barely able to speak, he explained that a few days earlier an “immediate response force” team — six men in body armour, wielding shields and batons — had forcibly taken him from his cell. (Does this ring a bell with the Woolwich 'killers?'') His offense? He had stepped over a line, painted on the floor of his cell, while his lunch was being passed through the food slot of his door. Another time, after finding Adnan lying on the floor of the interview cell, emaciated and looking near-dead, I asked a judge to order the military to turn over Adnan’s medical records to me and my colleagues. I believed he was either desperately ill or suicidal and that either way the treatment he was receiving was inadequate.

The government responded dismissively to my requests. Adnan was physically and psychologically fit, it claimed, notwithstanding an attempt, a month earlier, to ''hang himself.'' It was just a “suicidal gesture,” officials assured us, not a real effort to kill himself. Perhaps. It is high time to end the Guantanamo experiment?


I believe a reality check is in order?

Or more than likely a truth check.


---------- Post added 05-08-2013 at 16:20 ----------


I think this thread has run out its course. The weeping and the wailing disgust me. Because a traitor and coward betrays his comrades and his nation, he is a hero according to some on this forum. They have a right to talk and debate, but this goes way beyond debate. This is hatred pure and simple. Don't tell me you don't hate Americans, don't tell me you have friends in America, or that you've been here because I don't believe a word of it. I don't believe my Sheffield has disappeared, but there's not much left of it here.:rant: Goodbye and good riddance.

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Or more than likely a truth check.


---------- Post added 05-08-2013 at 16:20 ----------


I think this thread has run out its course. The weeping and the wailing disgust me. Because a traitor and coward betrays his comrades and his nation, he is a hero according to some on this forum. They have a right to talk and debate, but this goes way beyond debate. This is hatred pure and simple. Don't tell me you don't hate Americans, don't tell me you have friends in America, or that you've been here because I don't believe a word of it. I don't believe my Sheffield has disappeared, but there's not much left of it here.:rant: Goodbye and good riddance.


I couldn't have put it better, what he did was tantamount to treason, he should have been shot as traitors should be.

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Didn't Wikileaks refer to anyone in Afghanistan who sided with the western armies or the government as collaborators? As if they were talking about Vichy France? The other fool is now staying in Russia which is the Soviet Union with a new badge.

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I couldn't have put it better, what he did was tantamount to treason, he should have been shot as traitors should be.


You seem to have a very low threshhold for wanting to shoot people, but then you are very old.


Most young people are less keen on murdering people they don't approve of, thank goodness!

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You seem to have a very low threshhold for wanting to shoot people, but then you are very old.


Most young people are less keen on murdering people they don't approve of, thank goodness!


What's most young people? They seem to be doing a pretty good job of it in Iraq and Syria and what''s the average of the Taleban fighter? All young and easily brainwashed by nasty old geezers.


Manning's leaks have compromised the safety of Afghans working for US and allied intelligence

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