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Help for hero - bradley manning

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Pardon me for breathing, I asked you a perfectly simple question I was not rude, I don't hate American food though what it is I don't know, I may not like "have a nice day", but we all pick up colloquialisms from each others language.


I never said you were to shut up, yet you unleash vitriol in my direction; perhaps next time, I won't go asking you any questions. I did notice the disdain showed to your country on this thread as I read all posts before asking, but my question to you was not rude or discriminatory I even agreed that the guy was a traitor and looked like a weasel in a uniform..


I am just saddened that you chose to reply to me in this rather brash, and rude manner. The posts on this thread are not a true reflection of all people's beliefs towards Americans, real or adopted.



I was just replying to you when the screen went blank, and I had to start over again. First of all, I owe you an apology. Using the word you was supposed to be generic, pointing to SF itself and not you personally, and I guess you took it the wrong way, for which I'm to blame. This thread has gone on long enough for me and I'm heartily sick of it. Nothing is going to change the minds of those who hate America and its people. All I can do is try to defend it as best I can. The country has been more than good for me. When my son and I lay in hospital ICU, grieving over the death of my wife and my son's mother, we were totally alone without a living relative closer than nearly 3000 miles. People everywhere here went out of their way to help us recover. They would, I know, have done the same back home, but there we would have had sisters, brothers, aunts and uncles galore willing to help. We had only moved from Canada the previous year and didn't know a lot of people. Two years later, we were invited to a colleagues home for a July 4th picnic. I was introduced to a youngish widow from Ireland who had two young boys. We married in 1982, and have been to that house every year but once every Independence Day, 31 years in all. This is what I defend, not some nut case theory about 9/11, or the Kennedy assassination, or some little punk who has to have his 15 minutes of fame by rattling off to Wiki and putting his compatriots at risk. I have little time for traitors, and I somehow don't think you do either. This time I mean you.:) Gord.
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I was just replying to you when the screen went blank, and I had to start over again. First of all, I owe you an apology. Using the word you was supposed to be generic, pointing to SF itself and not you personally, and I guess you took it the wrong way, for which I'm to blame. This thread has ghone on long enough for me and I'm heartily sick of it. Nothing is going to change the minds of those who hate America and its people. All I can do is try to defend it as best I can. The country has been more than good for me. When my son and I lay in hospital ICU, grieving over the death of my wife and my son's mother, we were totally alone without a living relative closer than nearly 3000 miles. People everywhere here went out of their way to help us recover. They would, I know, have done the same back home, but there we would have had sisters, brothers, aunts and uncles galore willing to help. We had only moved from Canada the previous year and didn't know a lot of people. Two years later, we were invited to a colleagues home for a July 4th picnic. I was introduced to a youngish widow from Ireland who had two young boys. We married in 1982, and have been to that house every year but once every Independence Day, 31 years in all. This is what I defend, not some nut case theory about 9/11, or the Kennedy assassination, or some little punk who has to have his 15 minutes of fame by rattling off to Wiki and putting his compatriots at risk. I have little time for traitors, and I somehow don't think you do either. This time I mean you.:) Gord.



Not a problem old bean, the written word can be sometimes misconstrued; life's too short for grudges.



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I was just replying to you when the screen went blank, and I had to start over again. First of all, I owe you an apology. Using the word you was supposed to be generic, pointing to SF itself and not you personally, and I guess you took it the wrong way, for which I'm to blame. This thread has gone on long enough for me and I'm heartily sick of it. Nothing is going to change the minds of those who hate America and its people. All I can do is try to defend it as best I can. The country has been more than good for me. When my son and I lay in hospital ICU, grieving over the death of my wife and my son's mother, we were totally alone without a living relative closer than nearly 3000 miles. People everywhere here went out of their way to help us recover. They would, I know, have done the same back home, but there we would have had sisters, brothers, aunts and uncles galore willing to help. We had only moved from Canada the previous year and didn't know a lot of people. Two years later, we were invited to a colleagues home for a July 4th picnic. I was introduced to a youngish widow from Ireland who had two young boys. We married in 1982, and have been to that house every year but once every Independence Day, 31 years in all. This is what I defend, not some nut case theory about 9/11, or the Kennedy assassination, or some little punk who has to have his 15 minutes of fame by rattling off to Wiki and putting his compatriots at risk. I have little time for traitors, and I somehow don't think you do either. This time I mean you.:) Gord.


I forgive you as well



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try and remember that it isn't about how deluded expat sheffielders are, it's about whether a man who exposes the truth is a hero to the rest of us.


If you read the thread there's you and catpuss who think his bulk dumping of confidential material makes him a hero, everyone else thinks it doesn't.

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If you read the thread there's you and catpuss who think his bulk dumping of confidential material makes him a hero, everyone else thinks it doesn't.


I didn't just read the thread, I started it - it was about the bravery of the truth teller, it became about whether the USA owns our information, it went on to whether it is possible to expose those who own and BS us.

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No, we've noticed your close mindedness. They may usually be complete codswallop sure, but you should at least look and make an informed judgement that they are codswallop.


---------- Post added 06-08-2013 at 01:15 ----------



I'd point you at the First amendment....


The true mark of an open and tolerant society is the ability to allow someone, screaming vile invective at the top of their lungs to do precisely that. If you want to be considered a free and fair society, then you do have to tolerate people with opinions wildly different to yours. There is always the ignore button of course.




I don'e hate Americans. I have a pretty low opinion of their government however. Those are different things, although Harleyman will probably not see it that way.


There was a time when people had opinions of their own and not pasted up something that was the work of someone else.


So much for the art of honest and imaginative debate. Hello links! The lazy mans easy way to express an opinion.


Just what standard of government meets your criteria? The US government for all it's imperfections is (among the leading world powers) easily the best and fairest of the lot.


Russia: Dont criticize Putin or else. New laws that will punish gays severley if caught. Not that I'm gay nor do i care much but when a government backed by a near dictator passes oppressive laws that belonged a 100 years ago there definitely has to be something rotten in the state of Denmrak... or in this case Russia


China: Very oppressive. Dissidents jailed on a regular basis. absolutely no right of freedom of speech


France: Currently headed by a socialist clown whose oppressive tax laws will have a devasating effect on business and employment sooner or later


Britain: A conservative government in power without much opposition or checks on it's agenda

Freedom of speech in Britain was always a privilege rather than a right


Germany: Probably next best to the US but a citizen could be arrested under laws that make expressing certain opinions a felony so freedom of speech something of a misnomer


---------- Post added 06-08-2013 at 22:22 ----------


So you call the general method of treating traitors as murder, as it has already been said none of our service personnel in the current warzones are my age.


---------- Post added 06-08-2013 at 08:43 ----------


Any chance they can have a word with their government about the British citizen that's never been charged with anything and has been held at Guantanamo for eleven years in an appalling and brutal regime?[/QUOTE]


Why was that so called British citizen in that country?The truth is that he was a Muslim fanatic being trained in acts of terrorism who'd been indoctrinated by radical Muslims in this country.


---------- Post added 06-08-2013 at 08:46 ----------



Send them back, the sooner the better.


That's a very good question? If he was found with a British passport but armed and fighting for a foreign militia or armed group engaged in a war he should have had his British citizenship revoked.


Why should anyone worry particularly if this piece of crap[ is in Gitmo? He more than likely would have been quite happy to fire on British troops if he was ordered to.


Is Britain so hard up that he's regarded as being anything of an asset. The country is better off without him

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There was a time when people had opinions of their own and not pasted up something that was the work of someone else.


So much for the art of honest and imaginative debate. Hello links! The lazy mans easy way to express an opinion.


Nearly commented on this a few posts back but relented, but. I agree totally with this. This forum is obsessed with links. Anything said has for some reason to be backed up with proof.

For some reason people are incapable of having opinions of their own and if they do invariably they are ignored as unsubstantiated rubbish. If links are all that matters why bother debating.

I want to listen to people that are earnest in their opinion without the need to put forward what is after all someone elses earnest opinion.

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Our respective governments bulk dump us with *******t everyday. What's good for the goose n all that.


And what does *******t mean exactly? Your problem is that you're the type who always has to moan and grumble about something. Nothing makes you happy but here's a reality check. There's no such place as Utopia, milk, honey, free beer and willing virgins.


Make the best of it and dont waste your breath trying to justify the acts of a pathetic little man who betrayed his country, his military unit and the soldiers he served with


---------- Post added 06-08-2013 at 22:36 ----------


Nearly commented on this a few posts back but relented, but. I agree totally with this. This forum is obsessed with links. Anything said has for some reason to be backed up with proof.

For some reason people are incapable of having opinions of their own and if they do invariably they are ignored as unsubstantiated rubbish. If links are all that matters why bother debating.

I want to listen to people that are earnest in their opinion without the need to put forward what is after all someone elses earnest opinion.


Well said. That makes three of us at least. Yourself, buck and I

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