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Help for hero - bradley manning

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Nearly commented on this a few posts back but relented, but. I agree totally with this. This forum is obsessed with links. Anything said has for some reason to be backed up with proof.

For some reason people are incapable of having opinions of their own and if they do invariably they are ignored as unsubstantiated rubbish. If links are all that matters why bother debating.

I want to listen to people that are earnest in their opinion without the need to put forward what is after all someone elses earnest opinion.

Thank you, it nice to see someone else who can debate without the ever present blue stuff.
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Our respective governments bulk dump us with *******t everyday. What's good for the goose n all that.


So if some git goes and makes the entire medical records of the country public domain then that's OK because y'no..governments and that...bs man!



Very very poor level of argument.

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It isn't going to happen, so suck it up and get on with your miserable existence, instead of trolling the internet with moronic gibberish.


people like you always support the perpetrator and not the victims or potential victims.


---------- Post added 07-08-2013 at 08:09 ----------


But this traitor would have signed the American version of the official secrets act so deserves everything that is coming his way .


Couldn't agree more. In the UK it was "You take the kings shilling, you do the kings bidding".

You can't opt in and opt out when it suits you.

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people like you always support the perpetrator and not the victims or potential victims.


---------- Post added 07-08-2013 at 08:09 ----------



Couldn't agree more. In the UK it was "You take the kings shilling, you do the kings bidding".

You can't opt in and opt out when it suits you.


Wrong, you can.

'the king' might not like it when you expose him for what he is, but the king would have also taken an oath to god, the realm and his people.

It cuts both ways.


If there was nothing that whistleblowers exposed that was illegal or morally defunct you'd have no-one defending them.

As it stands we are seeing lies and murder uncovered and you are by default defending liars and murderers because someone turned 'traitor'. To stand idly by while bad deeds happen is a worse crime than to break a vow to a fiction.


As for perpetrator and victims you'd do well to remember that victims aren't limited to rich people in the western world.

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people like you always support the perpetrator and not the victims or potential victims.


---------- Post added 07-08-2013 at 08:09 ----------



Couldn't agree more. In the UK it was "You take the kings shilling, you do the kings bidding".

You can't opt in and opt out when it suits you.


The Nuremberg trials, Calley after My Lai etc all established that it is a soldiers right, indeed duty to refuse illegal orders.....

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So if some git goes and makes the entire medical records of the country public domain then that's OK because y'no..governments and that...bs man!



Very very poor level of argument.


Agreed, a very very poor level of argument generally on this thread. The false equivalency that you just used, being another example of 'no argument at all'.

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