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Help for hero - bradley manning

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The Nuremberg trials, .....


Generally only people in high positions we found guilty at Nuremberg unless obvious atrocities could be attached to an individual.

People of lower ranks were just carrying out orders and were not tried or are you saying all those who staffed concentration camps were tried?

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Says someone who does little but post CIA propaganda on here.


Says someone who does little but post anti-American hate propaganda on here


---------- Post added 07-08-2013 at 16:50 ----------


The Nuremberg trials, Calley after My Lai etc all established that it is a soldiers right, indeed duty to refuse illegal orders.....


Were you in Vietnam? Ever see what the Cong and the NVA did to civilians?


That doesn't justify ignoring or condoning Mai Lai but you'll never hear from the current Vietnamese governnment anything about the atrocities that were committed by the people and the military which brought them to power in 1975.


That's a stipid argument bringing up something like Nuremburg. The defendants were guilty of crimes and atrocities on a horrendous and massive scale which surpassed anything else known in history


Gross exaggeration doesn't work when it comes to making a point


---------- Post added 07-08-2013 at 17:00 ----------


Agreed, a very very poor level of argument generally on this thread. The false equivalency that you just used, being another example of 'no argument at all'.


So if Manning had been a civilian employed by the NHS and just decided to release the records of millions of patients because he got a hair up his butt about the NHS that would make him a hero?


This is not a false equivalency by any means. Manning was nothing more than a weird little misfit who had trouble fitting into a military environemnt.


I'll grant that such an environment can be challenging and troublesome at times but the motive behind Mannings actions wasnt due to any noble cause but merely petty spite. Getting back at em in other words

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Says someone who does little but post anti-American hate propaganda on here


---------- Post added 07-08-2013 at 16:50 ----------



Were you in Vietnam? Ever see what the Cong and the NVA did to civilians?


That doesn't justify ignoring or condoning Mai Lai but you'll never hear from the current Vietnamese governnment anything about the atrocities that were committed by the people and the military which brought them to power in 1975.


That's a stipid argument bringing up something like Nuremburg. The defendants were guilty of crimes and atrocities on a horrendous and massive scale which surpassed anything else known in history


Gross exaggeration doesn't work when it comes to making a point


---------- Post added 07-08-2013 at 17:00 ----------



So if Manning had been a civilian employed by the NHS and just decided to release the records of millions of patients because he got a hair up his butt about the NHS that would make him a hero?


This is not a false equivalency by any means. Manning was nothing more than a weird little misfit who had trouble fitting into a military environemnt.


I'll grant that such an environment can be challenging and troublesome at times but the motive behind Mannings actions wasnt due to any noble cause but merely petty spite. Getting back at em in other words


Very sensible and balanced post.

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And what does *******t mean exactly? Your problem is that you're the type who always has to moan and grumble about something. Nothing makes you happy but here's a reality check. There's no such place as Utopia, milk, honey, free beer and willing virgins.


Make the best of it and dont waste your breath trying to justify the acts of a pathetic little man who betrayed his country, his military unit and the soldiers he served with


What an odd statement, "Willing virgins"?? Explain please.


Funny isn't how you constantly hang on to " I don't read me I have opinions of my own" yet someone states an opinion in reply to one of my posts with "NHS" and you cling onto it like an Alabama tick simply because you have nowhere to go other than rant off the usual ignorant servile hand on heart, while reeling off the Star Spangled Banner baloney.

In order to stuff your face with Apple pie and rib-eye, fill your tank and do a round of golf, you're quite prepared to take it ungreased from every possible position. Tell us, who's sweating in a cell for this little leak? Did you make such a stink when it happened? Nah, it wasn't War or gun related.


The reality check is that how the NSA conducts its actions and operations through its intelligence body is to be subject to further review and greater congressional oversight, which congress apparently failed miserably in doing. The majority of Americans want this..minus you of course.


And why is this happening? Because Manning and Snowden have forced their hand by informing the public who don't want their info bulk mined. Without the info, US and UK citizens would be blind as to what was going on.


Heroes? just another word to you that has no other connotation other than conflict.

Courageous? Absolutely without a doubt.


---------- Post added 08-08-2013 at 19:15 ----------


Very sensible and balanced post.



"Balanced? Harleyman?:hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi:

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What an odd statement, "Willing virgins"?? Explain please.


Funny isn't how you constantly hang on to " I don't read me I have opinions of my own" yet someone states an opinion in reply to one of my posts with "NHS" and you cling onto it like an Alabama tick simply because you have nowhere to go other than rant off the usual ignorant servile hand on heart, while reeling off the Star Spangled Banner baloney.

In order to stuff your face with Apple pie and rib-eye, fill your tank and do a round of golf, you're quite prepared to take it ungreased from every possible position. Tell us, who's sweating in a cell for this little leak? Did you make such a stink when it happened? Nah, it wasn't War or gun related.


The reality check is that how the NSA conducts its actions and operations through its intelligence body is to be subject to further review and greater congressional oversight, which congress apparently failed miserably in doing. The majority of Americans want this..minus you of course.


And why is this happening? Because Manning and Snowden have forced their hand by informing the public who don't want their info bulk mined. Without the info, US and UK citizens would be blind as to what was going on.


Heroes? just another word to you that has no other connotation other than conflict.

Courageous? Absolutely without a doubt.


---------- Post added 08-08-2013 at 19:15 ----------




"Balanced? Harleyman?:hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi:


I like the Star Spangled Banner. It's about a particular battle fought in the war of 1812 and not about one particular indiividual like the Queen.


God Save The Queen... from what for God's sake? She's very safe from the perils of the world, tucked up in bed at night by her chamber ladies after a cup of hot cocoa and guarded by a squad of armed guardsmen and armed plain clothed policemen situated around the vast property


As for you.... knickers in a twist again I see:hihi: You need to calm down. A spot of fishing and golf would do you a whole world of good. Get out and about a bit and do try some rib eyes and apple pie as a break from kebab takeouts :hihi:


Try two wheeling also. Wind in the face... freedom of the road and all that! There might be a sale on new or used Lambrettas at some scooter dealer around your way :hihi:


---------- Post added 08-08-2013 at 23:05 ----------


people like you always support the perpetrator and not the victims or potential victims.


---------- Post added 07-08-2013 at 08:09 ----------



Couldn't agree more. In the UK it was "You take the kings shilling, you do the kings bidding".

You can't opt in and opt out when it suits you.


You havent heard old ron spouting off about gun control. Knows all about it. I expect ron will be getting a call from the supreme court in washington pretty soon.

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"Balanced? Harleyman?:hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi:


I heard that you were well balanced, a chip on each sholder.


---------- Post added 09-08-2013 at 11:27 ----------


Nah, leather and bandanna's is a bit too gay for my liking.


So you're anti Gay.:o

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So if Manning had been a civilian employed by the NHS and just decided to release the records of millions of patients because he got a hair up his butt about the NHS that would make him a hero?


This is not a false equivalency by any means. Manning was nothing more than a weird little misfit who had trouble fitting into a military environemnt.


I'll grant that such an environment can be challenging and troublesome at times but the motive behind Mannings actions wasnt due to any noble cause but merely petty spite. Getting back at em in other words


You are making a strawman. If you had said that "Manning had been a civilian employed by the NHS and just decided to release the records showing that the NHS had been selling DNA samples and personal medical histories and familial histories to medical and life insureres, just because he thought it morally wrong, that would make him a hero"


That's more like what has happened but it doesnt fit with your narrow viewpoint so you twist it to fit your closed minded worldview.

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