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he now wants to live life as a woman


Bradley Manning, the US soldier who leaked secret US government documents to the Wikileaks website, has announced an intention to live as a woman.


"I am Chelsea Manning," Pte First Class Manning said in a statement to NBC's Today programme. "I am a female."


The 25-year-old said he had felt female since childhood, wanted at once to begin hormone therapy, and wished to be addressed as Chelsea.


Pte Manning faces 35 years in prison for crimes including espionage.


The soldier could be released on parole after at least seven years in jail, his civilian lawyer David Coombs has said.


Mr Coombs has asked President Barack Obama to pardon Pte Manning, and has pledged to appeal against the verdict and sentence.

Mental health effect


Pte Manning will serve the sentence at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, and on Thursday, Mr Coombs indicated the soldier was willing to take legal action to force the prison to provide hormone therapy if authorities refused.

David Coombs, defence attorney for Army Pfc. Bradley Manning, speaks at a news conference in Hanover, Maryland 21 August 2013 David Coombs told reporters he would work to win a pardon for Pte Manning


He said Pte Manning had not indicated whether he wanted to undergo sex reassignment surgery.


"The ultimate goal is to be comfortable in her skin and to be the person that she's never had an opportunity to be," he said.


Asked why Pte Manning was making this announcement now, the day after sentencing, Mr Coombs said: "Chelsea didn't want to have this be something that overshadowed the case."


Pte Manning's struggles with gender identity formed a key part of the defence through the weeks-long court martial.


Defence witnesses, including therapists who had treated Pte Manning, testified that the soldier had spoken of wanting to transition to being a woman, suggesting that these problems had affected his mental health.




although i knew about it due to watching a documentary on wikileaks its still a bit strange suddenly announcing it to the world a day after hes been sentenced

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