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Help for hero - bradley manning

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I have to laugh, He gets ignored and still tries to insult. That's all he's capable of, except telling, that is.



Whaaaaaaaa! whaaaaaa! sniff!


I've come to the conclusion that your whole profile is a made up story, as these are the rantings of a child who's bottom lip keeps quivering..


---------- Post added 24-08-2013 at 17:14 ----------


you just replied to him sheriff, that's not ignoring, ignoring is not answering.



He wont will answer, you're on his ignore list.:hihi:

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Whaaaaaaaa! whaaaaaa! sniff!


I've come to the conclusion that your whole profile is a made up story, as these are the rantings of a child who's bottom lip keeps quivering..


---------- Post added 24-08-2013 at 17:14 ----------




He wont will answer, you're on his ignore list.:hihi:


he told the other kids not to talk to me either, but he kept answering. He doesn't have to say anything else, he thinks manning should be killed, no doubt he feels the same about political prisoners in china and burma.


what do you reckon cowboy? or are you still 'ignoring'?

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According to the comments at the bottom of my link soldier bale is considered to have committed a worser crime as he shot women and children.


Bale has copped a guilty plea to escape the death penalty. He'll be doing time twice as long as Manning


Former Army Major Hassan will get the death penalty.... I sincerely hope

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Thanks for bringing this to my attention...... I actually knew nothing about it? But it didn't take long to do the jigsaw. Then again I come from a long line of Coppers and Judiciary. so my nose is very keen..


NOV 5th 2009 Shooting at Fort Hood Leaves 13 Dead, 29 Injured: A shooting at the Fort Hood army post in Texas kills 13 and injures 29. Ten of those killed are military personnel, while one is a civilian. The alleged shooter is Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, an Army Psychiatrist, was shot four times by an officer on the scene, but he survived the attack. Hasan's motive is unknown, Hasan is charged with 13 counts of premeditated murder; he will be tried in military court. If convicted, he could face the death penalty.

http://www.infoplease.com/world/events/2009/us_nov.html#ixzz2ctt8FtRJMajor Nidal Hasan -


WHY would this previously exemplary man, 'a Major,' have resorted to murdering his own colleagues? What was his motive?

Or was he a Manchurian Candidate? Expendable Collateral?


Oh look what turned up... within days of this motiveless 'murder.'



Nov 13th 2009 The controversial trial of Khalid Shaik Mohammed,

(Just to make sure everybody gets behind the trial to bring in a guilty verdict.... a MUSLIM Major hits the headlines by murdering his colleagues?)

•Accused 9/11 Organizer Faces Civilian Trial in NY: Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, the self-professed organizer of the Sept. 11 attacks on the U.S. that killed about 3,000 people, will stand trial in criminal court in Manhattan, the Obama administration announces. Attorney General Eric Holder will ask prosecutors to seek the death penalty for Mohammed and four co-conspirators. Five other detainees will be tried in military court.


It doesn't matter that this ''confession'' was extracted under torture. It will be sound, of course, because the Daily Brainwash says it is so. For God's sake - terrorists abound. ''Look...even a US Army Major can be turned??'' Give me a break.....


Serious concerns have been expressed over Mohammed's treatment while in US custody and the possible use of statements obtained through torture as evidence against him. During his Combatant Status Review Tribunal (CSRT) hearing on March 10, 2007, Mohammed claimed that he was tortured while in US custody and that as a result, he made false confessions about both himself and others. In addition, he alleged that his children were detained and abused as well.




Just to make sure he gets a fair trial????

At Guantánamo, everything the so-called "high-value detainees" say is presumed classified. So, if the 9/11 defendants speak up about torture in custody, or their lawyers try to, the audio feed from the courtroom, it is immediately cut off and the information will never appear in the public record. These rules effectively pre-empt the confrontation at the core of due process in an adversarial trial.


But don't let this distract you - just concentrate on Major Husan.......the MK Ultra patsy.


Oh, what am I saying - these things only happen in films...


"The phenomenon of ‘predictive programming’ is heavily used on the screen. It presents and 'acclimatizes the public to new ideas and trends.' Usually put forward in a fictional context (to circumvent issues of consent or morality), many of the events, technologies and social attitudes dipped into the collective consciousness 'are in fact already in the pipeline'. Taking this one step further, I propose that 'the screen actually seeds the imagination to manifest a pre-determined reality.'

Far from being the trivial plaything we are told it is, the imagination is a highly developed, super powerful holographic processor. It illustrates, energizes and manifests the world around us, whether we acknowledge it or not. It is the portal through which the universal field condenses thought forms into matter. The imagination directly formulates our experience of reality, as strongly now as it did when we were five years old. For this reason, it is imperative that we 'choose carefully what we put into our minds.' With mastery of our own imagination deactivated, the default setting is to mirror the incoming data stream. Output only what is input.

With the modern adult mind discouraged from connecting with reality through actual felt experience, 'input is predictably derived from the mainstream media.' The reality blueprint is transmitted, electronically and literally, from the screen. Trillions of screens." ... "Consciousness creates reality. We are not helpless objects inside it, we help to make it. The solution is deceptively simple: 'free yourself and thereby regain sovereign control.' Knowing this makes your mind hard to hijack and returns the power of creation back to the real masters of reality - us."

I know this may be hard to follow... but read it a few times and digest. Swallow the red pill and all will be revealed.


Now lets think about this one.... wasn't it 2009 when Bradley Manning exposed the USA? But let's not worry about that one, just keep concentrating on his sexuality,,, dummies.


And finally - what I really can't get my head around is that there were no 'terrorists' until the USA Shadow Government -The World Bank/Military Industrial Complex/Big Pharma Companies/ and Oil Cartels decided to own the b****y world.

Show me where any other country other than America has invaded another man's shores in this century.........then tell me it is OK.


Back to sleep sheep, that's enough for today.. I wouldn't want to overload you.

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he told the other kids not to talk to me either, but he kept answering. He doesn't have to say anything else, he thinks manning should be killed, no doubt he feels the same about political prisoners in china and burma.


what do you reckon cowboy? or are you still 'ignoring'?


You like to rap western dude talk. Cowboy, Sheriff and all that. Why not extend your vocab and use "pilgrim" and "pardner"


They sell imitation 10 gallon hats at Woolilies down the Moor in case you didn't know


Adios for now Gabby Hayes :hihi: :hihi:


---------- Post added 24-08-2013 at 16:46 ----------


Thanks for bringing this to my attention...... I actually knew nothing about it? But it didn't take long to do the jigsaw. Then again I come from a long line of Coppers and Judiciary. so my nose is very keen..


NOV 5th 2009 Shooting at Fort Hood Leaves 13 Dead, 29 Injured: A shooting at the Fort Hood army post in Texas kills 13 and injures 29. Ten of those killed are military personnel, while one is a civilian. The alleged shooter is Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, an Army Psychiatrist, was shot four times by an officer on the scene, but he survived the attack. Hasan's motive is unknown, Hasan is charged with 13 counts of premeditated murder; he will be tried in military court. If convicted, he could face the death penalty.

http://www.infoplease.com/world/events/2009/us_nov.html#ixzz2ctt8FtRJMajor Nidal Hasan -


WHY would this previously exemplary man, 'a Major,' have resorted to murdering his own colleagues? What was his motive?

Or was he a Manchurian Candidate? Expendable Collateral?


Oh look what turned up... within days of this motiveless 'murder.'



Nov 13th 2009 The controversial trial of Khalid Shaik Mohammed,

(Just to make sure everybody gets behind the trial to bring in a guilty verdict.... a MUSLIM Major hits the headlines by murdering his colleagues?)

•Accused 9/11 Organizer Faces Civilian Trial in NY: Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, the self-professed organizer of the Sept. 11 attacks on the U.S. that killed about 3,000 people, will stand trial in criminal court in Manhattan, the Obama administration announces. Attorney General Eric Holder will ask prosecutors to seek the death penalty for Mohammed and four co-conspirators. Five other detainees will be tried in military court.


It doesn't matter that this ''confession'' was extracted under torture. It will be sound, of course, because the Daily Brainwash says it is so. For God's sake - terrorists abound. ''Look...even a US Army Major can be turned??'' Give me a break.....


Serious concerns have been expressed over Mohammed's treatment while in US custody and the possible use of statements obtained through torture as evidence against him. During his Combatant Status Review Tribunal (CSRT) hearing on March 10, 2007, Mohammed claimed that he was tortured while in US custody and that as a result, he made false confessions about both himself and others. In addition, he alleged that his children were detained and abused as well.




Just to make sure he gets a fair trial????

At Guantánamo, everything the so-called "high-value detainees" say is presumed classified. So, if the 9/11 defendants speak up about torture in custody, or their lawyers try to, the audio feed from the courtroom, it is immediately cut off and the information will never appear in the public record. These rules effectively pre-empt the confrontation at the core of due process in an adversarial trial.


But don't let this distract you - just concentrate on Major Husan.......the MK Ultra patsy.


Oh, what am I saying - these things only happen in films...


"The phenomenon of ‘predictive programming’ is heavily used on the screen. It presents and 'acclimatizes the public to new ideas and trends.' Usually put forward in a fictional context (to circumvent issues of consent or morality), many of the events, technologies and social attitudes dipped into the collective consciousness 'are in fact already in the pipeline'. Taking this one step further, I propose that 'the screen actually seeds the imagination to manifest a pre-determined reality.'

Far from being the trivial plaything we are told it is, the imagination is a highly developed, super powerful holographic processor. It illustrates, energizes and manifests the world around us, whether we acknowledge it or not. It is the portal through which the universal field condenses thought forms into matter. The imagination directly formulates our experience of reality, as strongly now as it did when we were five years old. For this reason, it is imperative that we 'choose carefully what we put into our minds.' With mastery of our own imagination deactivated, the default setting is to mirror the incoming data stream. Output only what is input.

With the modern adult mind discouraged from connecting with reality through actual felt experience, 'input is predictably derived from the mainstream media.' The reality blueprint is transmitted, electronically and literally, from the screen. Trillions of screens." ... "Consciousness creates reality. We are not helpless objects inside it, we help to make it. The solution is deceptively simple: 'free yourself and thereby regain sovereign control.' Knowing this makes your mind hard to hijack and returns the power of creation back to the real masters of reality - us."

I know this may be hard to follow... but read it a few times and digest. Swallow the red pill and all will be revealed.


Now lets think about this one.... wasn't it 2009 when Bradley Manning exposed the USA? But let's not worry about that one, just keep concentrating on his sexuality,,, dummies.


And finally - what I really can't get my head around is that there were no 'terrorists' until the USA Shadow Government -The World Bank/Military Industrial Complex/Big Pharma Companies/ and Oil Cartels decided to own the b****y world.

Show me where any other country other than America has invaded another man's shores in this century.........then tell me it is OK.


Back to sleep sheep, that's enough for today.. I wouldn't want to overload you.


One of these days you'll express an opinion of your own which will overload me with astonishment


Dump the links from conspiracy freaks and then maybe a meaningful dialogue might happen

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You haven't been down the Moor for a few years, have you? In fact you haven't been in the UK for a few years, have you?


Last time was 2007. Before that 1999, 1997, 1993, 1989


First trip back was in 1983. Walked along Penistone Road. All the factories gone :o :o At least Owlerton stadium was still there


Wondered what people did for a living.

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Last time was 2007. Before that 1999, 1997, 1993, 1989


First trip back was in 1983. Walked along Penistone Road. All the factories gone :o :o At least Owlerton stadium was still there


Wondered what people did for a living.


2007, eh? That was just before the start of the 2008 to 2012 economic crisis in California in which the state faced a budget deficit projected in 2009 to top $40 billion.




Wonder what people did for a living.


---------- Post added 24-08-2013 at 20:54 ----------


Keep it civil please.


Lack of civility is a bit of an American thing. I was going to say fight fire with fire but that might be a bit tactless at the moment.

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