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Help for hero - bradley manning

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Of course you don't, but know one is arguing it.




True. Your generation also caused the crap in order for you to have to mop it up. (and no, I'm not just talking about Americans, I'm talking about your generation. English, american, german, Italian..etc)




At what price do our young have to continue suffering the remembrance of your generations ****-ups?


Really ? :hihi: I was a babe in arms during WW2. Dont blame me for the screw ups of Chamberlain, Daladier, Hitler and Stalin. and the legacy that came from it


Your generation are the whingers and cry babies with your smart phones, iPads, laptops, designer coffees and designer jeans. :hihi::hihi:


Why should I have to work for 10 pounds an hour when I can get a weekly unemployment giro instead? Waa! Waa! Waa! :hihi: :hihi:


My generation were the young uns who had to try and deal with the crap caused by the WW2 era statesmen who were still in power during the 1950s thru 1970s


You've never 'ad it so good sonny boy

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