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Mr. Scrapman, can I have my cat trap back please?

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How much is a cat trap?

I'll donate & buy you a new one.



There's less metal in the cat trap than in a Tesco handbasket - it's wire, it's worth about 50p scrap value to you.


To me, it means that this month, if I am to buy a new trap to catch the poor stray moggie that needs attention, then I can't afford do any transport runs to rescue, for pound dogs that are out of time and will be put to sleep, as I have to pay for a second vets visit this month for the previous stray with half an ear and an eye infection that I have taken in.


This means that a stray cat is left untreated, or lost dogs get destroyed.


If you think that's worth the 50p profit then fine..


If you do think you could live without that 50p, help to save animals that need help, and would like to just put the trap (3 foot long wire box) back where you find it then thank you and we'll say no more about it.

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Thank you for the offers of help towards a new trap but in all honesty I'd feel guilty accepting it when there are people out there who do so much more than I can do, running on even more of a shoestring.


I know the type of trap I need to get as I've used it successfully to trap 3 so far (unfortunately one was the neighbours' who are helping with the arranging of transport etc so he was returned home a little miffed but learned not to go in the trap again), it's a little heavier duty as the plan is to loan it out to people who need to use it once I've trapped the third of the local strays.


I will just have to have a couple of evenings out less this month is all, it's just so infuriating that you try to do something good and some lowlife comes along and kicks you in the teeth. All for 50 pence worth of scrap money.


Sheffield Friends of Ferals are out trapping and neutering stray and feral cats all the time to help stop the relentless breeding of homeless cats destined for a life of hardship - and helped out by paying for the neutering of one of the cats I trapped that was then took in by my neighbour - so if anyone really does want to help out any donations would be much appreciated by them I'm sure, as I know they are constantly struggling to cope with feeding, trapping, neutering and blood tests etc..



Meanwhile I shall try to figure out a way of setting a 2-way trap so that the next one humanely traps cats, whilst slicing the fingers off anyone who tries to pinch it :evil:

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