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Bedroom tax and the disabled.

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I've no issue at all with people who genuinely need extra space due to chronic illness or disability..


Not saying you have Truman I'm just pointing out it doesn't take much for someone to start the sniping. The thread went from being about disabled then was attacking homeowners for not having to pay it, they are buying their homes and pay for own repairs and such as it is.


I saw the guy on TV last night who was one of those that lost, I'm sorry but how anyone could take pleasure from something like this is beyond me.

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Do many homeowners get housing benefit?


And that is what all this is about.


Anyone on long term benefits will be better off in social housing, getting their rent paid. But the dis-abled get lumped into the same bractet as those that chose not to work.

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I said on another thread that disabled people should be exempt or have at least a 1 bedroom leeway.


The problem with that, is many other 'normal' people are suffering cuts.


There are over 6.9 million disabled people of working age which represents 19% of the working population.




That could mean more than 20% of those in social housing have a disabled person living there. So does that mean that 80% should have to make savings and the other 20% just carry on getting increasing benefits?

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Do many homeowners get housing benefit?


But homeowners do get the Interest paid on their mortgage if they are out of work. It just depends what type of mortgage you opted for. However, you would have thought that homeowners would have taken out a policy for such eventualities.

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But homeowners do get the Interest paid on their mortgage if they are out of work. It just depends what type of mortgage you opted for.


For how long? Isn't there a 2 year limit? Not sure the lenders would let you pay interest only for 2 years...I suspect you'd be out quicker than that.. you can't go your whole life with it as per HB..

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For how long? Isn't there a 2 year limit? Not sure the lenders would let you pay interest only for 2 years...I suspect you'd be out quicker than that.. you can't go your whole life with it as per HB..


Well I know someone who got the interest part of their mortgage paid for seven years! Besides, how would the lender know, as long as the interest payments are being paid on an interest only mortgage.

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Lord Justice Laws commented that 'they [the government] have discriminated against the claimants, but that discrimination was within lawful bounds'.


Now isn't that a remarkable statement?


Isn't that what they call positive discrimination?

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To be fair, how many disabled people are actually going to be affected?


The number of people who can't share a room due to a disability must be pretty small, and those cases should be judged on merit.


What about the 'disabled' people who are classed as disabled because they're too fat to get up and work? Or those who supposedly just have a bad back? It's that sort of person who make up the majority of disability claimants and they should have no higher right to a free spare bedroom payed for by Joe Taxpayer.


If they have equipment such as a dialysis machine for example which take up quite a bit of room then fair enough, but my point is that you can't just say yeah all disabled people get another benefit because a tiny minority of them need large pieces of equipment.

Judge cases on their merit.


Make a list of equipment...say bigger than a postbox, if you've been supplied any of these by an occupational therapist then you're alright, if not, either pay up or move out.


Cause I'm not paying any more money to keep Mrs Kipling in a house bigger than she needs because she's claiming disability cause she can't stop eating pies.


I'm done with it.

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