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World: Get ready for China firing on all economic cylinders!

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As we all are aware, China is a colossal nation (20% of the world's population- 2012 mainland census) and has not yet even hit it's stride economically.


But within a decade, that could all change. Deutsche Bank's Chief Economist for Greater China, Jun Ma, told an investment conference in Hong Kong:-


"By the early 2020s, China will over[take] the U.S. in terms of GDP, Ma said, noting the forecast is dramatically stepped-up from his views two years earlier."

Incredible, but what ramifications will there be for us in the West? Eclipse or success by trade? UK businesses already have many items made there, despite over 50% world's counterfeit goods coming from China (http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-09-1106_en.htm?locale=en)?


And at what cost will China succeed economically (despite 40% Chinese small businesses crashing in 2008-10)?


90% of China's cities water and 75% of rivers and lakes are polluted, according to the World Bank, so 700 million people drink contaminated water every day!!


And of course, China's Human Rights are a sensitive topic- In 2008 China executed 1718 people confirmed- three times more people than the rest of the World combined, and uses mobile execution vans for efficiency, say Amnesty International. Of course many deaths go unreported and the true figure could be as many as 6,000+


So, are we to fear China's ultimate economic rise, or embrace and celebrate it?

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China's econamy will only continue to grow if they can shift their econamy from export driven to consumer driven.


It's grown so fast so quick because the government has pumped money into the economy for infrastructure, construction, manufacturing etc.

but now the export market is saturated and there's no-one left to sell their wares too.


Now the current leadership have the mammoth task of changing the way the economy works before all of the investment thats been made comes crashing down.

You can't invest billions in road, rail, construction and manufacturing and then not have factory's taking orders and buildings standing empty.

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Not being funny but an economy built on slave labour wages, that has utterly destroyed (not threatened, actually has) your own ecological system and needs to be supplied by a 19th century colonial supply route to sell to white guys that are getting more and more skint seems like a really rubbish "superpower" And that before you add in the faux commie crap and the massive corruption.


Worst world domination attempt ever.

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I've been saying the following for years,




People were saying that about Japanese in the late 80s.


China is trying to emulate the West's route to prosperity. But we took that route when oil was a few dollars a barrel, not over a hundred as it is now.


China is imploding under the weight of its half-assed crony command economy and banking system. Nice try. Cookie fortune says, “Industrial era entered too late in game.” All else there is desperation: e.g. the idea of moving hundreds of millions of peasants into new cities. As Tony [soprano] would say, “Fuggeddabowdit.”

[/i]uck-nation/mid-year-digest/"]James Howard Kunstler


17 Reasons Why Experts Are Convinced China's Economy Is Doomed

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As we all are aware, China is a colossal nation (20% of the world's population- 2012 mainland census) and has not yet even hit it's stride economically.


But within a decade, that could all change. Deutsche Bank's Chief Economist for Greater China, Jun Ma, told an investment conference in Hong Kong:-


"By the early 2020s, China will over[take] the U.S. in terms of GDP, Ma said, noting the forecast is dramatically stepped-up from his views two years earlier."

Incredible, but what ramifications will there be for us in the West? Eclipse or success by trade? UK businesses already have many items made there, despite over 50% world's counterfeit goods coming from China (http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-09-1106_en.htm?locale=en)?


And at what cost will China succeed economically (despite 40% Chinese small businesses crashing in 2008-10)?


90% of China's cities water and 75% of rivers and lakes are polluted, according to the World Bank, so 700 million people drink contaminated water every day!!


And of course, China's Human Rights are a sensitive topic- In 2008 China executed 1718 people confirmed- three times more people than the rest of the World combined, and uses mobile execution vans for efficiency, say Amnesty International. Of course many deaths go unreported and the true figure could be as many as 6,000+


So, are we to fear China's ultimate economic rise, or embrace and celebrate it?


By 2017 Harrods will be providing the Queens drawers stitched together in China. Fact !


Sheffield pub barmaids will be pulling pints of Chinese beer brewed at the Wun Hung Lo brewery in Shag hai. Fact !

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