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C.A.T.S.B.O. A good idea?

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Well its not really an ASBO but i couldnt find a witty way to describe Curfew.

Anyway, a good idea or not?


I think its a good idea. Ive lost count of the amount of half eaten birds ive chased cats away from on the garden or the number of nests that have been destroyed by the local cats.

What do you think?


When will people learn, they are CATS it's what they do; they are predators, and yes they will also do it just for the sheer hell of it. Gets my goat when we see tigers or lions ripping say an antelope to bits, people say it s nature but when a moggy does it, then it's horrible.


Cats are lovely leave them alone.

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When will people learn, they are CATS it's what they do; they are predators, and yes they will also do it just for the sheer hell of it. Gets my goat when we see tigers or lions ripping say an antelope to bits, people say it s nature but when a moggy does it, then it's horrible.


Cats are lovely leave them alone.


I wish they would leave all the birds alone :(

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When will people learn, they are CATS it's what they do; they are predators, and yes they will also do it just for the sheer hell of it. Gets my goat when we see tigers or lions ripping say an antelope to bits, people say it s nature but when a moggy does it, then it's horrible.


Cats are lovely leave them alone.


I agree, it's what cats do, but, just so I'm clear where you're coming from, Bypassblade: are you saying that you regard domestically-bred cats to be on a par, in natural terms, with wild tigers and lions? Yes?


Suppose there was a fashion for keeping eagle owls as pets and we started to find half-eaten cats in our gardens? Would that be ok? Afterall, "it's what they do; they are predators", "it's nature" ... isn't it?

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I agree, it's what cats do, but, just so I'm clear where you're coming from, Bypassblade: are you saying that you regard domestically-bred cats to be on a par, in natural terms, with wild tigers and lions? Yes?


Suppose there was a fashion for keeping eagle owls as pets and we started to find half-eaten cats in our gardens? Would that be ok? Afterall, "it's what they do; they are predators", "it's nature" ... isn't it?


My Dog would love to chase every cat it sees, but out of respect for the cat owner and the welfare of the cats I prevent him doing so, its a pity cat owners don't show the same respect. They just let them out to stalk birds and crap on everyone's garden, apart from a friend's cat which never leaves her garden.

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I agree, it's what cats do, but, just so I'm clear where you're coming from, Bypassblade: are you saying that you regard domestically-bred cats to be on a par, in natural terms, with wild tigers and lions? Yes?


Suppose there was a fashion for keeping eagle owls as pets and we started to find half-eaten cats in our gardens? Would that be ok? Afterall, "it's what they do; they are predators", "it's nature" ... isn't it?


Bob They are from the same family, it's just you wouldn't have a tiger or a lion for a pet as they are natural carnivores, whereas cats have been domesticated but not lost the instinct.


If people were allowed to keep eagle owls as pets, you know the cor blimey comparison you come up with, and they attack cats so be it, as you you they are predators.


You really have taken a statement out of all context to try to look good, well sorry but it ain't worked. I just cannot understand why people have this absurd hatred of cats, they are wonderful creatures, as can dogs be.

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I was completely unaware what complicated creatures cats were until I read this article and looked at the video. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2382007/Think-know-cat-Think-New-video-demystifies-feline-body-language--reveals-probably-DONT-want-tummy-stroked.html?ito=feeds-newsxml


Seems they're are a great many cat owners who don't know how to read cat signals either.

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...You really have taken a statement out of all context to try to look good, well sorry but it ain't worked..


I think the less said about that statement of yours, the better, to be honest, if we're going to keep this civil.


I just cannot understand why people have this absurd hatred of cats, they are wonderful creatures, as can dogs be.


"I just cannot understand" that when people float the idea that domestic cats can be a threat to native birds, they are then subject to personal abuse (as you have so ably demonstrated) and accused of a "hatred of cats" in a common-place and trite response.


I hold no hatred of moggies and I know friends of mine benefit from having them as pets (I even tickle them under their chins - the cats not the friends). However, to suggest that the estimated 8 million pet cats in the UK (according to the Pet Food Manufacturers Association) are in any way "natural" is absurd.


As you rightly say of domestic cats, Bypassblade, "they will also do it just for the sheer hell of it". They don't need to do it for survival like wild predators do, they do it instinctively. Also, of course, and unlike the wild cats, domestic moggies have no natural cap on their numbers.


Is it really outrageous to request that domestic cat owners do what they can to minimise the impact on native bird species? Does it make cat-haters out of anyone who dares to suggest such a thing?

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I think the less said about that statement of yours, the better, to be honest, if we're going to keep this civil.




"I just cannot understand" that when people float the idea that domestic cats can be a threat to native birds, they are then subject to personal abuse (as you have so ably demonstrated) and accused of a "hatred of cats" in a common-place and trite response.


I hold no hatred of moggies and I know friends of mine benefit from having them as pets (I even tickle them under their chins - the cats not the friends). However, to suggest that the estimated 8 million pet cats in the UK (according to the Pet Food Manufacturers Association) are in any way "natural" is absurd.


As you rightly say of domestic cats, Bypassblade, "they will also do it just for the sheer hell of it". They don't need to do it for survival like wild predators do, they do it instinctively. Also, of course, and unlike the wild cats, domestic moggies have no natural cap on their numbers.


Is it really outrageous to request that domestic cat owners do what they can to minimise the impact on native bird species? Does it make cat-haters out of anyone who dares to suggest such a thing?


How would you suggest cat owners tame there pets? We put bells on there collars so it scares the birds away, what else would you suggest? They wouldnt tolerate being walked on a lead like a dog :hihi:

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