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Bell Hag inn/John Thomas Manchester Road.

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I have lived in Portugal for many years but before I emigrated I used to play music at the John Thomas (Bell Hag)pub on Manchester road Crosspool every Tuesday. I found out recently that the owner and my friend John Chidlaw suffered a major illness. Can anyone tell me what happened to John and if there is a way to contact him. Thank you.

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I have lived in Portugal for many years but before I emigrated I used to play music at the John Thomas (Bell Hag)pub on Manchester road Crosspool every Tuesday. I found out recently that the owner and my friend John Chidlaw suffered a major illness. Can anyone tell me what happened to John and if there is a way to contact him. Thank you.


John's son used to come on here and post information, hopefully he will see this and answer you.

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I have lived in Portugal for many years but before I emigrated I used to play music at the John Thomas (Bell Hag)pub on Manchester road Crosspool every Tuesday. I found out recently that the owner and my friend John Chidlaw suffered a major illness. Can anyone tell me what happened to John and if there is a way to contact him. Thank you.



Edited by Ousetunes
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Referring to The Bell Hagg , did you entertain in the 60/70 's ? ,

I used to go to this waytering hole along with many other pubs around this time including the Kings Head, Crosspool


Gary Marshman

North Wales


Two pubs sadly no longer with us.


In fact, there's also the Hallamshire on Lydgate Lane.


Makes you wonder which will be next!

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  • 1 year later...

Bell Hag Inn / John Thomas Manchester Road.


Over the years,I've heard several stories told about John Chidlaw, most of them being somewhat negative. Although it's not always wise to ignore such stories, I always like to find out about people from my own first hand experiences. From the 5 or 6 times I came across John he seemed alright to me. If others want to go out of their way to rile others [Chidlaw], then you'll reap what you sow. The Bell Hag was John's pub, and as customers we were guests in his home.


Here is an amusing [i think so] little true story of one of the occasions I visited the Bell Hag. It's a bit long winded but detail is important [i think so]. Please be patient.



One tea-time I was in the Broomhill Tavern having a natter with a group of persons, some of them I knew. There were:


Mick Shedd - A known Sheffield musician who played in the band Shedds.


Mick Jones - A local drawer/sketcher/ artist who lived nearby.


Mister X - A former Sheffield musician on a short visit from Middlesex.


Ralph Salt - Landlord of the Farfield pub in Neepsend. Ralph was[is] a brilliant jazz pianist who has always been after my Keith Jarrett elpees, especially the 10 Lp boxset, Live in Japan.



During our conversation, it was mentioned a good friend of ours was to be playing a gig that evening at the Bell Hag pub. This mutual friend of ours was [is]:


Kevin Stephenson - Kevin who is from Sheffield is a top guitarist who has played alongside many world famous musicians. I've known Kevin since 1965 and we went to the same school - Birley Sec Mod. His younger brother David Miles Stephenson was one of my best muckers in school. Sadly, David died some years ago in Switzerland. He used to go in the Buccaneer, Wapentake etc. RIP Steptoe.



Anyroad, We 5 in the Broomhill Tavern decided to attend the gig, and got a taxi up to the Bell Hag. On arrival at the Bell Hag, John Chidlaw was sat at the bar at the customers side. He scanned us and gave he me a brief nod having recognised me from previous visits. It was Ralph Salt who was scrutinised most due to his eccentric appearance, gangly, dishevelled hair and clothing. We ordered drinks and waited for Kevin's arrival.



Kevin arrived, then having had a chat with us five, then with John Chidlaw,he went over to set out his musical stuff and prepared himself for his performance. Just after Kevin started to play, Ralph Salt decided he was hungry and ordered food.



It wasn't long before the food [chips and something] was served and Ralph got stuck in. A few moments later he reached for the ketchup bottle then unscrewed the cap. Having turned the bottle fully upside down, the ketchup didn't come out, so he slapped the bottle with the flat of his right hand. The full contents of the bottle did then come out and splashed all over his meal, the table, and onto the carpet. John Chidlaw saw what happened as did most of the people in the pub. John got worked up about it but managed to restrain himself from saying anything. The mess was soon cleared up and Ralph continued to eat his red meal.



Some 20 minutes later Ralph came to the bar to order a pint for himself. Having been served I heard Ralph say to John Chidlaw. "It's a nice place you've got here, I'll have to come up here again sometime. " John's retort was, " What makes you think you'll be allowed in here again?" The shocked look on Ralph's face had to be seen to be believed. Lol.



At the interlude we 5 went outside for fresh air and to enjoy the pleasant evening. Some minutes later Kevin came out to have a chat, so we thought. With hands in the praying position, and with a pleading look upon his face, he begged us [especially Ralph] to order ourselves a taxi. We granted him his wish and went back to Broomhill. Lol.




Ralph is a great bloke even though he's clumsy at times. Bless him.

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Bell Hag Inn / John Thomas Manchester Road.


Over the years,I've heard several stories told about John Chidlaw, most of them being somewhat negative. Although it's not always wise to ignore such stories, I always like to find out about people from my own first hand experiences. From the 5 or 6 times I came across John he seemed alright to me. If others want to go out of their way to rile others [Chidlaw], then you'll reap what you sow. The Bell Hag was John's pub, and as customers we were guests in his home.


Here is an amusing [i think so] little true story of one of the occasions I visited the Bell Hag. It's a bit long winded but detail is important [i think so]. Please be patient.



One tea-time I was in the Broomhill Tavern having a natter with a group of persons, some of them I knew. There were:


Mick Shedd - A known Sheffield musician who played in the band Shedds.


Mick Jones - A local drawer/sketcher/ artist who lived nearby.


Mister X - A former Sheffield musician on a short visit from Middlesex.


Ralph Salt - Landlord of the Farfield pub in Neepsend. Ralph was[is] a brilliant jazz pianist who has always been after my Keith Jarrett elpees, especially the 10 Lp boxset, Live in Japan.



During our conversation, it was mentioned a good friend of ours was to be playing a gig that evening at the Bell Hag pub. This mutual friend of ours was [is]:


Kevin Stephenson - Kevin who is from Sheffield is a top guitarist who has played alongside many world famous musicians. I've known Kevin since 1965 and we went to the same school - Birley Sec Mod. His younger brother David Miles Stephenson was one of my best muckers in school. Sadly, David died some years ago in Switzerland. He used to go in the Buccaneer, Wapentake etc. RIP Steptoe.



Anyroad, We 5 in the Broomhill Tavern decided to attend the gig, and got a taxi up to the Bell Hag. On arrival at the Bell Hag, John Chidlaw was sat at the bar at the customers side. He scanned us and gave he me a brief nod having recognised me from previous visits. It was Ralph Salt who was scrutinised most due to his eccentric appearance, gangly, dishevelled hair and clothing. We ordered drinks and waited for Kevin's arrival.



Kevin arrived, then having had a chat with us five, then with John Chidlaw,he went over to set out his musical stuff and prepared himself for his performance. Just after Kevin started to play, Ralph Salt decided he was hungry and ordered food.



It wasn't long before the food [chips and something] was served and Ralph got stuck in. A few moments later he reached for the ketchup bottle then unscrewed the cap. Having turned the bottle fully upside down, the ketchup didn't come out, so he slapped the bottle with the flat of his right hand. The full contents of the bottle did then come out and splashed all over his meal, the table, and onto the carpet. John Chidlaw saw what happened as did most of the people in the pub. John got worked up about it but managed to restrain himself from saying anything. The mess was soon cleared up and Ralph continued to eat his red meal.



Some 20 minutes later Ralph came to the bar to order a pint for himself. Having been served I heard Ralph say to John Chidlaw. "It's a nice place you've got here, I'll have to come up here again sometime. " John's retort was, " What makes you think you'll be allowed in here again?" The shocked look on Ralph's face had to be seen to be believed. Lol.



At the interlude we 5 went outside for fresh air and to enjoy the pleasant evening. Some minutes later Kevin came out to have a chat, so we thought. With hands in the praying position, and with a pleading look upon his face, he begged us [especially Ralph] to order ourselves a taxi. We granted him his wish and went back to Broomhill. Lol.




Ralph is a great bloke even though he's clumsy at times. Bless him.

I know Ralph Salt [he tried to teach my other half to play the piano in 1983] his dad played piano in the Rivelin Hotel for many years when Wendy and George where the landlords.

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