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Dear Forum..Relationship help

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I have a friend, we get on really well, spend lots of time together and like lots of the same things etc..


The thing is, I am starting to develop feelings beyond just friends or close friends, and I don't know how to tell her.

I have a worry that if she doesn't reciprocate it will ruin the friendship, so I have the question of, do I tell her and risk

the friendship, or do I not tell her and keep what we have?


Then, there's the matter of, if I do decide to tell her, HOW do I tell her?


There's an age gap of about 10 years (She's younger) but we have talked generally about the age thing and she says that age

doesn't really matter to her, and it doesn't really matter too much to me personally, but I worry what other people would think

looking in from the outside.


Any thoughts? tips? anyone been through similar before?



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I have a friend, we get on really well, spend lots of time together and like lots of the same things etc..


The thing is, I am starting to develop feelings beyond just friends or close friends, and I don't know how to tell her.

I have a worry that if she doesn't reciprocate it will ruin the friendship, so I have the question of, do I tell her and risk

the friendship, or do I not tell her and keep what we have?


Then, there's the matter of, if I do decide to tell her, HOW do I tell her?


There's an age gap of about 10 years (She's younger) but we have talked generally about the age thing and she says that age

doesn't really matter to her, and it doesn't really matter too much to me personally, but I worry what other people would think

looking in from the outside.


Any thoughts? tips? anyone been through similar before?




That would depend on the strength of the friendship. Falling for someone isn't a sin. If your friend is mature enough..or you for that matter you'll realise this.


Before anything can go forward relationship wise there does obviously have to be reciprocal interests.


Asking if anyone has had similar experiences will only apply in your case if they are exactly the same as you and your friend...which is very doubtful.

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Never have anything to do with people from work.

Never have anything to do with people who are married to someone else.

Never take someone's partner off them.

Never hit a woman.


Anyone else is acceptable apart from I personally wouldn't bother with someone in a pub/bar/club

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I assume that the person is of the opposite sex? If that is the case, I don’t see a problem. If you are good friends, then she may well be reading the signals. Just go to places that people on a date would go to. A ten years age gap is normally my limit too, but as I get older, I think does it really matter that much, within reason.

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Only you can decide whether to take things further, as everyone is different.

As regards the age-gap, 10 years is nothing to worry about at all. We know two couples who have stayed together for years and years, and have been very happy, in both cases there is an age gap of over 20 years.

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Personally i think you need to get your own head sorted out first.


Either the age gap bothers you or it doesn't. If it doesn't bother you then the opinions of others don't matter,your post indicates you are concerned over other peoples opinions.


Do you want the other person as a partner or not?

If yes tell them and take the outcome on the chin,if you don't really fancy them and don't have serious issues of separation when apart leave it alone and remain friends.


It is normal to become closely attached to a friend.

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I agree the age gap doesn't make a difference (although if she is 17 and you are 27 I can see eyebrows being raised)


In terms of taking the friendship to the next level, I think you need to sit down and think long and hard about possible outcomes and how you'd feel if the relationship didn't work and your friendship was damaged or lost.


What would happen if she met someone else ?

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