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Dear Forum..Relationship help

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Oh, deary me.

Don't tell her.

Never TELL her

Chicks dig getting wooed. There is nothing greater than having butterflies that come with being wooed. A definite butterfly killer is a clumsy and ill-timed 'I like you'


Don't push it, don't force it- just go with the flow and if something happens, it will.


Btw- the age thing DOES matter- but only if you are younger than 27. :)

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Don't tell her.

Never TELL her

Chicks dig getting wooed.

Why do people give absolute statements? You don't know what all women like. It's a huge generalisation.


I've never wooed anyone in my life. I wouldn't know how to woo. I've had to rely on my natural charm and good looks.

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Why do people give absolute statements? You don't know what all women like. It's a huge generalisation.


I've never wooed anyone in my life. I wouldn't know how to woo. I've had to rely on my natural charm and good looks.


If you want a tip on how to woo, there are millions upon millions of books, rom com movies, tv shows, magazines that could help you out. :)

Ooh, and by the way, not all us girls find 'grab your coat, you've pulled' charming. :)

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My wife is 14 years younger than I. We met after terrible tragedy on both our lives. Mine was after my first wife died in a car crash, hers when her husband died of a heart attack. We have now been married 33 years and are very happy with each other.

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Thanks all, She's almost 20, and I turned 31 this year... we really do get on well, and when she's not around I really feel like I want her to be here, and can't wait for the next time she visits, or the next time I get to see her...


I don't think it would complicate the friendship from her point of view, but I know myself, and know how i'd feel after, if things didn't go well.


I think I have decided i'm going to say something, but approach from a hypothetical sort of angle to gauge a possible reaction..


Or maybe i'm overthinking things?

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Thanks all, She's almost 20, and I turned 31 this year... we really do get on well, and when she's not around I really feel like I want her to be here, and can't wait for the next time she visits, or the next time I get to see her...


I don't think it would complicate the friendship from her point of view, but I know myself, and know how i'd feel after, if things didn't go well.


I think I have decided i'm going to say something, but approach from a hypothetical sort of angle to gauge a possible reaction..


Or maybe i'm overthinking things?


Only one way to find out...


3 years ago, I met someone who was out on her 18th birthday (I was nearly 42 at the time)

We started seeing each other, and after 2 years we got married.

2 months after the wedding, I found out she was having an affair with an OLDER man :shocked:


It hurts to this day, however the other bloke has found out shes pregnant and theres a VERY high probability the child isnt his :hihi:


Must admit, karma is a wonderful thing :D


But dont let this put you off, thats just MY experience - if you dont try, you will never know.

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Thanks all, She's almost 20, and I turned 31 this year...
my view is that you may both hit it off, but to her that's half as old again and she may get to 22, 23 ,24 etc and suddenly want to be with someone her age - music, night clubs etc. Plus you might want to settle down and think about careers, babies, she might still want to good life. And you might get a hard time from her family. I'm not saying it won't or can't work, I just reckon the odds aren't good for a long termer. If you're just looking for a fling or a shortish term thing, then go for it.
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