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Ariel Castro's statement

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More to the point though, all this aside; kidnapping three women and locking them up in a house is not a result of addiction. It's an awful crime.


Would that be the same as saying thieving to fund a drug addiction is nothing to do with the addiction. He isn't an handsome chap so would be unlikely to fulfill his insatiable addiction any other way. I wonder if the other inmates will help with his addiction. :)

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I Googled Sex Addiction and found this:


http://www.webmd.com/sexual-conditions/features/is-sex-addiction-realdiction and found this:


I'm not going to Google Sex Addiction myth though. Because I believe it's not a myth.


I could Google, September 11th conspiracy theory, but I don't want to, because I believe it was a group of ****** off Muslims that committed the crime!


that's like googleing "how to cook a steak" to argue there is no pro vegan arguments.


if Myth is the word you dislike, try googling "Is sex addiction real".

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There are many things in life of which you can be addicted to, and unless you have been through it personally or have had a family member and/or friend, it is always difficult for you to understand it.


However, this does not excuse his actions. What he did was not simply have sex continuously at every given opportunity and/or seek it out continuously. He pre meditated to abduct these young and vulnerable women and kept them in horrific conditions and the way he treat them could be seen as torturous for so many years.

He played with their minds and trained their behaviours, this is much more than just acting on an addiction.

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Like gambling, or eating. When it is compulsive, habitual and destructive - I'd call that an addiction.

exactly, anythings an addiction if you become obsessed to the point it controls your life whether its drugs, gambling, shopping, sex or chocolate.

also id like to point out different people can become addicted psychologically to different things


ie:- take drugs, my drugs were always alcohol and cannabis, i was / am (in the case of alcohol) but dabbled with other drugs such as shrooms, lsd and speed, but they never really "did it for me" so i never became addicted to em, unlike other mates who had a penchant for other drugs


personally i dont see the point in gambling, never have, never will, its just not my thing, but i know plenty of folk are, whether its the bloke betting on the racing in the bookies to the woman fevishly rubbing the scratch card outside the local shop


some people get addicted to shopping, cant help but spend spend spend on say clothes, sometimes to the point where they lie, cheat and steal to hide and feed their "habit"

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that's like googleing "how to cook a steak" to argue there is no pro vegan arguments.


if Myth is the word you dislike, try googling "Is sex addiction real".


I diddid Google "is sex addiction real?", found a mixed bag of websites, including the link I posted.

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that's like googleing "how to cook a steak" to argue there is no pro vegan arguments.


if Myth is the word you dislike, try googling "Is sex addiction real".


I have just Googled it and according to the first site it is very real.


There's a reference to a very small study involving 52 people on the next site which casts some doubt on the addiction, but its far from conclusive evidence that sex addiction is a myth.


The problem with the internet is that everyone should be able to find a website which will support their stance on any subject.

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