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Dinner lady sacked for accidentally serving pork to a Muslim child

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They may or may not do, but it wasn't a view I was advancing.

Again, I think we're speculating on the abilities of the child and the accepted responsibilities of the serving staff in that particular school.

Again, I agree and said so earlier, but what makes this case remarkable is that we're told this isn't the first instance of this dinner lady 'accidentally' serving the wrong food, that's why she was dismissed.


Given how many Muslim kids there are in this country this must be an everyday occurrence, yet we don't hear a peep about it.


Perhaps the incident isn't quite all that it appears to be, which is all I was suggesting from outset.


Where are we told that this isn't the first instance of 'accidentallly' serving the wrong food, all we know is that she was dismissed for gross misconduct. That's probably all we will ever know.


Aren't you being as guilty as the others you are trying to balance against when you put 'accidentally' in quotes like that?


You are right though, it's probably an everyday occurrence, and hardly a peep. But there was this from a few months back:




How many mistakes does it take when it's chips instead of roast potatoes rather than meat instead of quorn, or non-kosher instead of kosher. My guess is the religion makes it more important somehow.


We might never know if she was hounded out by fanatical Muslims, or a kneejerk PC response, or if she hated Muslims or was simply incompetant, but I still stand by the basic principle.


People should be responsible for their own religious choices, even 7 year-olds. Provide the choice, sure, but leave it at that.

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Where are we told that this isn't the first instance of 'accidentallly' serving the wrong food, all we know is that she was dismissed for gross misconduct. That's probably all we will ever know.
Sorry it was in an article I linked to earlier.


"The company continued: “Obviously we cannot provide all of the details surrounding the dismissal. However, as a general note, Lunchtime UK would not seek to dismiss any employee due to just one honest mistake.”



Aren't you being as guilty as the others you are trying to balance against when you put 'accidentally' in quotes like that?

I put it in quote because it's what she said, whether it was an accident or not is another matter.

You are right though, it's probably an everyday occurrence, and hardly a peep. But there was this from a few months back:




How many mistakes does it take when it's chips instead of roast potatoes rather than meat instead of quorn, or non-kosher instead of kosher. My guess is the religion makes it more important somehow.

I agree the religion would make it important compared to say a choice between chips vs roast potatoes, however I stand by what I said-do we honestly believe that accidentally serving Muslim kids non halal food isn't a daily event?

We might never know if she was hounded out by fanatical Muslims, or a kneejerk PC response, or if she hated Muslims or was simply incompetant, but I still stand by the basic principle.


People should be responsible for their own religious choices, even 7 year-olds. Provide the choice, sure, but leave it at that.


I agree in fact I believe schools should be secular environments, but if this school accepted responsibility to ensure Muslims kids only ate halal food then clearly they have a problem if they (repeatedly) fail to do so.

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If they found out it wasn't they can ask for forgiveness, which Allah will give.

Proof please, Who's spoken to Allah about this? all we ever get is somebody said to somebody and somebody said to somebody and somebody said to somebody etc, etc, etc, no proof just blind faith from hearsay.:rolleyes:


---------- Post added 02-08-2013 at 14:47 ----------


My Bold=

If its the second time she has done it than IMO she is an anti Muslim doing it for some sick kicks and maybe an EDL supporter too.

Is that sick or what, it's people with your comments and views who are the best recruiters for the EDL BNP & even UKIP.

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Why didn't she ask the child if she was a Muslim just to make sure or is it that secretly she knew what she was doing and ended up getting caught?


Do you expect the people working on school dinners to ask every child if they are Muslims, or just the children that look like Muslims. Now what do Muslim children look like, whats different about them that would distinguish them from everyone else.

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Is that sick or what, it's people with your comments and views who are the best recruiters for the EDL BNP & even UKIP.

The move comes after Mr Darr’s recruitment firm was closed down in June when he was found to be working as a company director illegally.



Following an investigation by the Insolvency Service, he was banned from holding company directorships after he was caught pocketing over £500,000 owed in tax in 2008.





These are the kind of people that we foolishly accept into our country, talk about hypocrisy.


Seems that's a leap of faith you've made already PG given this comment on a thread about a school serving halal meat to a Muslim 7 year old. ;)

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I think the time has come to redirect immigrants towards Asia, Latin America, some parts of Africa and the muslim world. Just think, it would bring the joys of diversity to the many countries that don't have it today.:hihi:



Awww jc why don't you go do some missionary work in Africa and proletise to all those wide eyed fuzzy wuzzies :hihi:

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Proof please, Who's spoken to Allah about this? all we ever get is somebody said to somebody and somebody said to somebody and somebody said to somebody etc, etc, etc, no proof just blind faith from hearsay.


That's it exactly. Take Christians eating Halal meat for example. One part of the Bible says its a sin to eat food sacrificed to another God. Yet another part says its a sin to waste food.


The way to do it is to let God take it up with you when you croak. If he wants to have a go at me for the Halal meat I've eaten, so be it. But it was my choice to eat it.

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