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Dinner lady sacked for accidentally serving pork to a Muslim child

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All this halal and kosher meat stuff is really too tedious for words.


It has no place in the public sector. Meat or no meat should be offered as options. If you have a problem with normal meat, then go for the vegetarian option (AFAIK there isn;t a way of slaughtering a cabbage that offends allah so we should be fine there)


Or bring a packed lunch that's been mumbled over by rabiis imams or whatever else.


Lets get religion out of the public food supply chain.


But what everyone seems to be forgetting is that public sector kitchens are supplied by businesses, in the case of the OP-Lunchtime UK Ltd.


They make commercial decisions based on serving as many customers as possible and by catering for specific dietary requirements they're obviously going to get more bums on seats therefore more revenue, it ain't rocket science Andy!

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good to see the usual anti muslim bile and venom is alive and well on SF ;)

see the thread went off topic after about the first page and veered onto its usual anti islam in general route

carefully avoiding the fact that even islamic groups condemmed the sacking also, but dont let that get in the way of sense :suspect:


Ive been reading this thread quite a bit and if im honest the only Anti anything or Bile is coming from the supporters or islam but then in my experience thats usually the case.

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nope, cos they cant see for all the froth flying out of their gobs as they flail madly hitting random keys on the keyboard in an islamophobic fit of fury :hihi:


That's incredible. Word for word I was thinking exactly that ;)


off to put the lottery on now.

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Ive been reading this thread quite a bit and if im honest the only Anti anything or Bile is coming from the supporters or islam but then in my experience thats usually the case.


You must have selective word blindness then!


As others have pointed out Muslims have reacted in the same way as the rest of us to the sacking of this woman, it's an isolated incident-so a non story unless of course we're only being fed half of it, which I suspect we are.


Yet the common theme is about Muslims, their dietary requirements and multiculturism generally..time to get over it.

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