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Dinner lady sacked for accidentally serving pork to a Muslim child

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Ive been reading this thread quite a bit and if im honest the only Anti anything or Bile is coming from the supporters or islam but then in my experience thats usually the case.


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Muslims outraged about something again. What a surprise. When are they not outraged about something? Does we ever have a week without something they've found to moan about this country?


Although I blame the idiot teachers, and the idiot catering company. About time they all found a backbone and started standing up to these ever increasing demands that we change our country and our culture to suit them.


I'd bet that if this had been a muslim catering assistant serving halal meat to a child whose parents had ordered nothing halal to pass their lips, we'd have been expected to excuse their ignorance and be sympathetic.


She should be given a massive payout, maybe half a million, by both the school and the catering company, for loss of job, hurt feelings and compensation, as who could expect her to go back and be subject to that level of non-support by the people who should be on her side.


Did you miss that post? And all the others like it?

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Muslims outraged about something again. What a surprise. When are they not outraged about something? Does we ever have a week without something they've found to moan about this country?


Delicious irony there, you being outraged about a group of people being outraged, when in fact they were outraged about the same thing you were outraged about!

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Delicious irony there, you being outraged about a group of people being outraged, when in fact they were outraged about the same thing you were outraged about!

yup, theres a strange irony when they get outraged about one or two muslims getting outraged, its that perpetual cycle of idiocy going round and round :P

and strangely they bang on about muslim extremists when them themselves hold rather extreme views against islam :suspect:




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Did you miss that post? And all the others like it?


No i saw it. What you call anti muslim others call an honest opinion.

Perhaps you should just accept that not everyone loves islam and most people in the world dont like it, dont trust it and definitely dont want it. Its only a minority who want it or follow it but that minority make more noise and cause more fuss, death and distruction than the rest of the human population combined.

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No i saw it. What you call anti muslim others call an honest opinion.

Perhaps you should just accept that not everyone loves islam and most people in the world dont like it, dont trust it and definitely dont want it. Its only a minority who want it or follow it but that minority make more noise and cause more fuss, death and distruction than the rest of the human population combined.


2.2 billion Muslims in the world and rising so not really a minority, the destruction around the world is down to non Muslims invading Muslim countries under some excuse.

You should also accept that not everyone likes non Muslims either, as the saying goes "you can please some people but not everyone".


---------- Post added 03-08-2013 at 13:39 ----------


I haven't ate any breakfast yet and that picture has tipped me over the edge! :hihi:


*bacon sizzling on grill, and Branston sauce on standby*


If only muslims knew what they were missing.


Not as good as my fry up this morning with halal sausages instead of pork ones with a few dollops of brown sauce! Mmmmm :hihi:

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2.2 billion Muslims in the world and rising so not really a minority, .


Out of almost 7 billion?

Yes, they are the minority.


the destruction around the world is down to non Muslims invading Muslim countries under some excuse.



You should also accept that not everyone likes non Muslims either, as the saying goes "you can please some people but not everyone".



We know muslims dont like non muslims. thats why they try to kill us.

And each other but i guess muslim on muslim killings is someone else fault too and i bet it was someone else fault when that muslim tried to blow the brains out of that school girl for wanting to be edicated.

Remind me, which country came the the young girls aid and made her well again? Ill give you a hint.. It wasnt a muslim one.

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Out of almost 7 billion?

Yes, they are the minority.








We know muslims dont like non muslims. thats why they try to kill us.

And each other but i guess muslim on muslim killings is someone else fault too and i bet it was someone else fault when that muslim tried to blow the brains out of that school girl for wanting to be edicated.

Remind me, which country came the the young girls aid and made her well again? Ill give you a hint.. It wasnt a muslim one.


My Bold=

This is where you are wrong, most Muslims want to live peacefully without killing or harming a non Muslim.

Have you ever wondered why before America invaded Iraq there was hardly any bombs going off?

The soldier who killed and burned a few afghan villagers and then set them on fire was a non Muslim wasn't he from the land of the free.

If you are going to tar all Muslims with the same brush due to the actions of some than it works the other way round with non Muslims too.

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No i saw it. What you call anti muslim others call an honest opinion.

Perhaps you should just accept that not everyone loves islam and most people in the world dont like it, dont trust it and definitely dont want it. Its only a minority who want it or follow it but that minority make more noise and cause more fuss, death and distruction than the rest of the human population combined.


To be fair, I was categorising it more as bile.


But read your own words and then think about what you said.


You were claiming that the only bile or anti anything sentiment came from those who were defending the Muslims in this case. Perhaps that's just honest opinion though, or are only people who agree with you allowed to express honest opinions?


I certainly don't love Islam btw, I dislike all religion. The 'minority' who want to follow this religion is one of the larger minorities in the world though.


---------- Post added 03-08-2013 at 15:55 ----------


Out of almost 7 billion?

Yes, they are the minority.








We know muslims dont like non muslims. thats why they try to kill us.

Why don't you just admit to being prejudiced.

And each other but i guess muslim on muslim killings is someone else fault too and i bet it was someone else fault when that muslim tried to blow the brains out of that school girl for wanting to be edicated.

Remind me, which country came the the young girls aid and made her well again? Ill give you a hint.. It wasnt a muslim one.

Do you hate Christians as well, they've been party to blowing up abortion clinics, a campaign of political violence in living memory within the UK and the catholic church seems to have a very poor record with regards to child abuse.

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