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Dinner lady sacked for accidentally serving pork to a Muslim child

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This is where you are wrong, most Muslims want to live peacefully without killing or harming a non Muslim.

Have you ever wondered why before America invaded Iraq there was hardly any bombs going off?

The soldier who killed and burned a few afghan villagers and then set them on fire was a non Muslim wasn't he from the land of the free.

If you are going to tar all Muslims with the same brush due to the actions of some than it works the other way round with non Muslims too.


Did your life start after 9/11 and that wasn't the first Islamic terrorist attack, it was just the biggest.

You should also remember that Iraq invaded of Kuwait, killed the kurds.

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The burden and inconveniences of a religion should not be imposed on non-believers. Let the religious earn their after-life rewards by themselves... it's not as if they are going to share any is it?


Special religious dietary requirements... prepare your own meals.


I agree but of course in this instance they're the paying customer.


Except they don't pay the premium do they... that is passed on to everyone. Why should the non-religious help pay for their salvation?

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good to see the usual anti muslim bile and venom is alive and well on SF ;)

see the thread went off topic after about the first page and veered onto its usual anti islam in general route

carefully avoiding the fact that even islamic groups condemmed the sacking also, but dont let that get in the way of sense :suspect:


Well what do you expect, the chickens are coming home to roost due to the element in are society insisted that we give way to none British Culture.

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Except they don't pay the premium do they... that is passed on to everyone. Why should the non-religious help pay for their salvation?


I didn't say they pay a premium.


In fact how do you know the costs of these meals are at a premium and the extra costs are passed on to other diners?


I often buy halal meat in supermarkets, not for any religious/political reasons but because it's cheaper, so there might be an argument that those who eat halal meat are subsidising non halal meat eaters.


I know that the blanket infiltration of halal meat into some establishments is because many wholesale halal meat suppliers price their produce at very fine margins to penetrate the public sector market and obviously these customers are under the cosh financially so will buy it, it has nothing to do with appeasing Muslims which is the general sensationalist viewpoint.


---------- Post added 03-08-2013 at 17:21 ----------


What is 'British Culture'?


I suspect it's the same one that invented kedgeree and Mulligatawny Soup ;)

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I didn't say they pay a premium.


In fact how do you know the costs of these meals are at a premium and the extra costs are passed on to other diners?


I often buy halal meat in supermarkets, not for any religious/political reasons but because it's cheaper, so there might be an argument that those who eat halal meat are subsidising non halal meat eaters.


I know that the blanket infiltration of halal meat into some establishments is because many wholesale halal meat suppliers price their produce at very fine margins to penetrate the public sector market and obviously these customers are under the cosh financially so will buy it, it has nothing to do with appeasing Muslims which is the general sensationalist viewpoint.


---------- Post added 03-08-2013 at 17:21 ----------



I suspect it's the same one that invented kedgeree and Mulligatawny Soup ;)


As I suspected !:)

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What was British culture would be more appropriate.


Help us out then Peer Gynt, the British seem to have spent centuries colonising other cultures and integrating them with their own-multiculturism didn't start when a few darkies arrived on the Windrush you know.

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