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Dinner lady sacked for accidentally serving pork to a Muslim child

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Muslims outraged about something again. What a surprise. When are they not outraged about something? Does we ever have a week without something they've found to moan about this country?


Although I blame the idiot teachers, and the idiot catering company. About time they all found a backbone and started standing up to these ever increasing demands that we change our country and our culture to suit them.


I'd bet that if this had been a muslim catering assistant serving halal meat to a child whose parents had ordered nothing halal to pass their lips, we'd have been expected to excuse their ignorance and be sympathetic.


She should be given a massive payout, maybe half a million, by both the school and the catering company, for loss of job, hurt feelings and compensation, as who could expect her to go back and be subject to that level of non-support by the people who should be on her side.


It is a rare thing to see the word muslim without it being preceded by the adjective offended.

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Mrs Darr, 33, wrote on her Facebook page: ‘So we’re leaving the country end of August for good … We’re moving to Sharjah. We want to go relax in a nice hot Muslim country where the kids know their identities as Muslims.’


The move comes after Mr Darr’s recruitment firm was closed down in June when he was found to be working as a company director illegally.


Following an investigation by the Insolvency Service, he was banned from holding company directorships after he was caught pocketing over £500,000 owed in tax in 2008.


His firm Interecruit (UK) went into liquidation after Mr Darr, 36, ‘diverted’ money owed to the taxman in VAT, income tax and national insurance to another of his companies.


The nine-year ban was imposed in February 2011 but in May this year he was found to be operating a similar company named Interecruit (GB), which supplied agricultural workers.

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A little more background, a statement from her employer, note the bit in bold:


The company continued: “Obviously we cannot provide all of the details surrounding the dismissal. However, as a general note,
Lunchtime UK would not seek to dismiss any employee due to just one honest mistake.


..and from the headteacher:


A primary school dinner lady who served pork to a 7-year-old Muslim pupil was sacked
because the incident was “not a one-off”
, a headteacher has claimed.




It appears Mrs Waldock was sacked because she was crap at the job she was paid to do and then sought to make spurious claims about political correctness to justify her position.


---------- Post added 02-08-2013 at 11:47 ----------


Muslims outraged about something again. What a surprise. When are they not outraged about something? Does we ever have a week without something they've found to moan about this country?


Your outrage and indignation seems to have clouded your ability to read.


Did you read the article in full that the OP referred to? Muslims are not 'outraged' again. There's a clear statement by a Muslim group which is quite to the contrary of what you claim.


This woman was sacked by her employer after a full investigation, not Muslims.

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A little more background, a statement from her employer, note the bit in bold:



..and from the headteacher:





It appears Mrs Waldock was sacked because she was crap at the job she was paid to do and then sought to make spurious claims about political correctness to justify her position.

Or, the head teacher and the catering company are lying to cover their backs and make Mrs Waldock look incompetent?

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I wonder how many were sacked when this happened:


Pork found in halal sausages served to London pupils




Birmingham school apologises for serving Muslim pupils non-halal food



Or what about the schools which only serve halal meat and don't notify the children or parents? That could be offensive to any Christian zealots.

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:roll:So !!!!!!!?what!!!! it won't hurt the kid!!!! Pc madness again pandering to the Muslims !!!:roll:


What's worse pandering to the dietary requirements of children or pandering to people who can't do the job they're paid to do?

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I see the PC brigade has gone doolally again



They cause more trouble than any right wing organisation could ever dream of doing


British Muslim groups said sacking her was "heavy-handed" and an "overreaction".


I agree, this is a massive over reaction.

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Or, the head teacher and the catering company are lying to cover their backs and make Mrs Waldock look incompetent?


Indeed, but I was simply challenging the usual sensational knee jerk reaction to stories like this.


If Mrs Waldock is genuinely aggrieved she can quite easily seek restitution through an employment tribunal.


Employment law tends to favour employees sacked for spurious reasons and I'm sure her employers will have been aware of that before dismissing her.

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