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Dinner lady sacked for accidentally serving pork to a Muslim child

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This isn't an argument I'm seeking to get into really, but I bought meat that was labelled as being halal, your assumption is that meat labelled as such would be a dis-incentive to non-halal meat eaters-I think political/xenophobic concerns often take a backseat when it's affecting the pocket.


The Jewish argument is a red herring, Jews cannot eat meat that has been in anyway 'stunned' prior to slaughter. However according to the RSPCA, over 90% of halal meat sold in the UK is pre-stunned prior to slaughter, so people properly educated are likely to be more relaxed about eating it, whereas the same probably isn't the case for kosher meat.




It's nothing to do with politics/xenophobic concerns as far as I'm concerned, simply the economics of the distribution business.


If a packet of burgers was labelled "this product contains meat derived from ritual slaughter" (as most does now), then there are plenty of people that would avoid it over a packet that doesn't.


At the moment we have one industry that can label it's product as A or B, and another industry that can only label it's product as A. It's a religious excuse for competitive advantage. Unfair competitive advantage I would say.

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Your outrage and indignation seems to have clouded your ability to read.


Did you read the article in full that the OP referred to? Muslims are not 'outraged' again. There's a clear statement by a Muslim group which is quite to the contrary of what you claim.


This woman was sacked by her employer after a full investigation, not Muslims.


I'm tyring so hard (with my tongue stuck firmly in my cheek) to be outraged, but I just cannot...


Particularly if the child is white, of convert parents, (As sounds the case from what I've read) you would not automatically look at this child and cotton-on that she was Muslim.


Secondly. as the pig meat was served to the child inadvertently, there is no "sin" on her... Even if she had eaten any of it, which she hadn't done, she had not committed a "sin".


Two words come swiftly to mind... "Mountains" and "molehills".


(also it sounds like this child's parents are a disgrace to Islam- in more ways than one!)


---------- Post added 03-08-2013 at 20:48 ----------


What was British culture would be more appropriate.


What 'was' British Culture then ?


yeah, brought here by those pesky foriegn germans, saxons, vikings etc


but at least they are all white eh?


and none muslim


What is British Culture?


it's sitting on your Swedish sofa,

drinking German Beer,

watching your American TV programmes,

on a Japanese TV,

whilst eating your italian Pizza,

(or your Turkish Kebab, or your Chinese/ Indian takeaways),

whilst grumbling loudly to your friends about immigrants, down your Finnish or Korean Mobile phone.

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If God had wanted us to be Muslims he wouldn't have invented this.
Yum! Yum! Yum! :)


---------- Post added 03-08-2013 at 21:27 ----------


Jews don't eat pork either.
A lot of them do. My uncle is a Jew, and he likes pig. He won't buy it himself, but loves giving in to popular demand when we're ordering pizza and somehow manages to swallow slice after slice of ham and pineapple, and even manages to put on a convincing smile as he does so! :hihi:


---------- Post added 03-08-2013 at 21:28 ----------


Why? Pigs are wonderful animals.
And far more intelligent and erudite than those Muslims who wish to exterminate the species!


---------- Post added 03-08-2013 at 21:31 ----------


Isn't that because they originally come from roughly the same sort of region and lifestyle, desert nomads, and Islam is based on Judaism and Christianity?


Something to do with Leviticus probably, and the pig being the vector for the human tapeworm and not being able to get a high enough cooking temperature over a campfire? If I remember my old time biology lessons right.

You can carbonise any food over a campfire, so to say that they're not hot enough is nonsense! That cannot be the reason. In fact, there is no 'reason' for this - it's utter nonsense!


---------- Post added 03-08-2013 at 21:34 ----------


God doesn't exist and anyone who quotes god as justification for their arguments doesn't have an argument.
That's very true, but don't you think the posters were being sarcastic? Nothing they said implied belief in a god to me. :D


---------- Post added 03-08-2013 at 21:41 ----------


good to see the usual anti muslim bile and venom is alive and well on SF ;)

see the thread went off topic after about the first page and veered onto its usual anti islam in general route

carefully avoiding the fact that even islamic groups condemmed the sacking also, but dont let that get in the way of sense :suspect:

So you would prefer pigs to be exterminated to extinction then? You don't feel that anyone else should be able to question the beliefs of others, no matter how silly? Gosh! Do you really think that any good to come from prohibiting discussion of such matters? Should we all just submit to the maddest/loudest/most violent voice? :gag:


---------- Post added 03-08-2013 at 21:50 ----------


The animal that was slaughtered for your halal meat wasn't just used to provide you with that one piece of meat. It is improbable that all the cuts of meat from that animal were labelled as halal. They would be labelled, or not labelled, depending on what was most advantageous for the supplier. Halal suppliers can do this, but non-halal ones cannot, so we are all de-facto subsidising the halal suppliers.


If all food was fairly labelled, so that those that didn't want to buy ritually slaughtered meat, then that meat you bought would cost a lot more.


This is precisely the reason why the Jewish lobby group Shechita UK campaigned in Parliament against labelling, warning that the potential loss of income to the halal/kosher industry would make it uneconomic. They know, and their arguments are an admittance, that their industry is subsidised by those that don't share their religion.


From the National Secular site; "Their argument assumes that it is acceptable to mislead the public in this way and that the necessity to subsidise the religious slaughter industry is more important than informing customers that meat they buy has been slaughtered in a way that they may not approve of."

That is a truly revolting deception. It is a crime, I feel sure, and those who are responsible for misleading and deceiving the public in this way should be in prison. There is no excuse for this.

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[/color]So you would prefer pigs to be exterminated to extinction then? You don't feel that anyone else should be able to question the beliefs of others, no matter how silly? Gosh! Do you really think that any good to come from prohibiting discussion of such matters? Should we all just submit to the maddest/loudest/most violent voice? :gag:

as usual all you spout is codswallop, and fail to mention my point, its fell instantly into the usual anti islamic slant, EVEN THO muslim groups HAVE said the issue went too far, funny how this point is deliberetly being ignored by those who just want the usual islamophobic ranting

as for your point, how many pigs are actually being exterminated? as far as i can tell, the only extermination is due to meat eating in general, which im not a part of, but thats a different story :thumbsup:

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It's nothing to do with politics/xenophobic concerns as far as I'm concerned, simply the economics of the distribution business.
I didn't suggest it was milquetoast.

If a packet of burgers was labelled "this product contains meat derived from ritual slaughter" (as most does now), then there are plenty of people that would avoid it over a packet that doesn't.

I think I provided a link to the RSPCA website on ritual slaughter, which states that 90% of halal meat is pre-stunned prior to slaughter. That addresses the most significant issues surrounding objections to it, personally I don't believe Joe Public is overly concerned about a few words of mumbo jumbo being said over it, especially if they're buying at a discount.

At the moment we have one industry that can label it's product as A or B, and another industry that can only label it's product as A. It's a religious excuse for competitive advantage. Unfair competitive advantage I would say.

Well the supermarket meat I purchased was labelled as I said, presumably so Muslim customers can identify it. Beyond that I agree the source of meat should be clearly stated.


---------- Post added 03-08-2013 at 23:03 ----------


That is a truly revolting deception. It is a crime, I feel sure, and those who are responsible for misleading and deceiving the public in this way should be in prison. There is no excuse for this.


The halal meat I buy is pre-stunned halal and clearly labelled as such.


---------- Post added 03-08-2013 at 23:03 ----------


Can't this poor women take her case to The Court Of Human Rights? Are is it only for prisoners and terrorists. After all the law seems to be on their side.


You're not the brightest bulb in the box are you?

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I'm tyring so hard (with my tongue stuck firmly in my cheek) to be outraged, but I just cannot...


Particularly if the child is white, of convert parents, (As sounds the case from what I've read) you would not automatically look at this child and cotton-on that she was Muslim.


Secondly. as the pig meat was served to the child inadvertently, there is no "sin" on her... Even if she had eaten any of it, which she hadn't done, she had not committed a "sin".


Two words come swiftly to mind... "Mountains" and "molehills".


(also it sounds like this child's parents are a disgrace to Islam- in more ways than one!)


---------- Post added 03-08-2013 at 20:48 ----------







What is British Culture?


it's sitting on your Swedish sofa,

drinking German Beer,

watching your American TV programmes,

on a Japanese TV,

whilst eating your italian Pizza,

(or your Turkish Kebab, or your Chinese/ Indian takeaways),

whilst grumbling loudly to your friends about immigrants, down your Finnish or Korean Mobile phone.


Perhaps they are eating something we can all enjoy and have done for generations - a full English breakfast. Well, not all of us. Anyway, all you are talking about is imports. We've imported stuff for hundreds of years.


Of course Britain has a culture. Every country has hasn't it?

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Given the animal rights lobby in this country, I think knowing that animals had been slaughtered without being stunned certainly would be an issue for many people. That some anti-muslim people are using that as an excuse to complain is undoubtedly true (otherwise they'd make as much fuss over kosher meat) but that doesn't change the fact that stunning is important to others who have no religious axe to grind.


Did you read the link included in my post?

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