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Dinner lady sacked for accidentally serving pork to a Muslim child

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On most it usually says halal on the signage somewhere but some do have it written in Urdu.
That's a bit sneaky ... :suspect:


Got me thinking, wonder if 'halal' will ever enter our mainstream language, the way kosher has?

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If the kids could not have pork , why did the parents not make a packed lunch to meet the kids needs ???


It was just an accident !


This country has gone mad!

Great, get more of your like minded friends to join the forum.


---------- Post added 05-08-2013 at 18:03 ----------


The same could be said about people who refuse to eat pre stunned halal meat. :rolleyes:


the prescribed method of ritual slaughter of all animals excluding locusts, fish, and most sea-life. This method of slaughtering animals consists of a swift, deep incision with a sharp knife on the throat, cutting the jugular veins and carotid arteries of both sides but leaving the spinal cord intact.

Nowhere does it say anything about pre stunning.

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Not all halal meat sold in our supermarkets and unlabeled is stunned before slaughter.




FAWC said it wanted an end to the exemption currently allowed for Kosher and Halal meat from the legal requirement to stun animals first.

The method of animal slaughter used by Jews and Muslims should be banned immediately, according to an independent advisory group.


The Farm Animal Welfare Council (FAWC), which advises the government on how to avoid cruelty to livestock, says the way Kosher and Halal meat is produced causes severe suffering to animals.


Halal Slaughter - The Disgusting Reality

WARNING: This video contains strong graphic scenes of slaughter about 7 minutes into the video.

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If the kids could not have pork , why did the parents not make a packed lunch to meet the kids needs ???


Because the school had contracted a food supplier who said they were able to provide meals for children with special dietary requirements.


---------- Post added 05-08-2013 at 18:06 ----------


Not all halal meat sold in our supermarkets and unlabeled is stunned before slaughter.




FAWC said it wanted an end to the exemption currently allowed for Kosher and Halal meat from the legal requirement to stun animals first.

The method of animal slaughter used by Jews and Muslims should be banned immediately, according to an independent advisory group.


The Farm Animal Welfare Council (FAWC), which advises the government on how to avoid cruelty to livestock, says the way Kosher and Halal meat is produced causes severe suffering to animals.


Halal Slaughter - The Disgusting Reality

WARNING: This video contains strong graphic scenes of slaughter about 7 minutes into the video.


According to the RSPCA over 90% of halal meat is pre-stunned, at a guess I'd say the 10% that isn't is produced by small abattoirs supplying to diehard Muslims.

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It is a barbaric method that should be outlawed.


But the halal meat you and I are likely to consume is pre-stunned using electricity, incidentally have you seen what happens to livestock that has to endure the captive bolt procedure during traditional slaughter methods?


You can hardly get mealy mouthed about one, without giving proper consideration to the other which is equally barbaric, or have you become a vegetarian?

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Well I've just viewed videos of the halal slaughtering, no animal sheep, goat or cattle were pre stunned, quite frankly it is sickening.


Don't eat any animal than regardless of how it is slaughtered if you are sickened that much. :rolleyes:

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