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Dinner lady sacked for accidentally serving pork to a Muslim child

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Consider the 'paper cut' test.

Most people using photocopier paper have inadvertently cut a finger on the sharp edge.

It's noticed only later, when one sees a drop of blood that seeped out onto other paper.

That's just from paper. A trained slaughterman's knife is way sharper than that. The animal feels nothing at all. Cutting the main artery causes instantaneous loss of blood pressure in the brain and consequent absence of any pain whatsoever.


Analogies aren't as reliable as peer reviewed scientific papers.

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A comment clearly made by someone with no understanding of children whatsoever.


No, I judge the child by my own standards at the same age. If I had been indoctrinated not to eat certain meats I wouldn't just point at a random slab and say yummy.

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Analogies aren't as reliable as peer reviewed scientific papers.


But the fact remains that the majority of halal meat that enters the food chain that you're likely to eat will be pre-stunned. Why is this point having to be laboured and what does it have to do with the OP?


Religiously slaughtered meat is perfectly legal in this country even if it isn't pre-stunned, so the dismissed dinner lady can't use that in her argument against dismissal!

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But the fact remains that the majority of halal meat that enters the food chain that you're likely to eat will be pre-stunned. Why is this point having to be laboured and what does it have to do with the OP?

As I mentioned before, if someone won't eat meat that hasn't been stunned for moral reasons the fact that 90% of it has been is irrelevant if they can't tell which that is. It's no different to telling a Jew or Muslim that 90% of meat is kosher/halal so they needn't worry about the other 10%.


Religiously slaughtered meat is perfectly legal in this country even if it isn't pre-stunned, so the dismissed dinner lady can't use that in her argument against dismissal!


Lets be clear here - it's not the religiously bit that is my issue, it is the stunning or not - and of people not knowing whether it has been or not. In fact I'm puzzled as to why people would worry about someone reciting an incantation when an animal is killed. If they don't believe in the religion surely the incantation means nothing. If they do think the incantation is significant then surely that means they must believe there is something in the religion and maybe they ought to think about following it.


This doesn't have anything to do with the dinner lady beyond the fact that she doesn't seem to bother too much with people's dietary requirements despite her job. Some people on here don't seem to consider that too important either.

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Surely it's down to the school management to organise recognizable visual aids on any child that is allergic to certain foods or has religious parents enforcing their views on the kid to ensure they don't suffer ill health or offend parents of that ilk. Blaming a woman who didn't even work for the school (she was agency staff) for not knowing by sight what sky pixie every childs parent believed in and what foods that particular work of fiction would get bent out of shape about their kids eating is utterly ridiculous.

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It is a barbaric method that should be outlawed.


What Mafya said, below:-

Don't eat any animal than regardless of how it is slaughtered if you are sickened that much. :rolleyes:


In your opinion.

But in fact kosher and halal killing cause no pain whatsoever to the animal.

Compare and contrast electric bolt stunning, a barbarity that should be outlawed.


I've tried telling them this, umpteen times, but they are so blinded by their bile and venom about Islam (and to a lesser extent Judaism) that they won't accept it.


Although I am a vegetarian, If I were to eat meat, I would want the animal being slaughtered for my meat to have been killed swiftly and cleanly, according to halal laws, as you describe, with the knife that has been honed sharper than a razor, and the animal treated humanely, and to be unaware of what is happening to it and its herd-mates.

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What Mafya said, below:-





I've tried telling them this, umpteen times, but they are so blinded by their bile and venom about Islam (and to a lesser extent Judaism) that they won't accept it.


Although I am a vegetarian, If I were to eat meat, I would want the animal being slaughtered for my meat to have been killed swiftly and cleanly, according to halal laws, as you describe, with the knife that has been honed sharper than a razor, and the animal treated humanely, and to be unaware of what is happening to it and its herd-mates.


Spot on PT- on both parts: a) the ones that don't want to hear will refuse to listen no matter what- which says more about them then it does us..


b) the rulings on slaughtering is exactly how the teachings have come through via Islam, as Prophet Muhammad said :


If you must slaughter, slaughter in the best possible manner, sharpen your knife every time before you slaughter but not in front of the animal to be slaughtered. Do not slaughter an animal in the presence of other animal, and feed and rest the animal before slaughter.




"If the killing (of animals) is to be done, do it in the best manner, and when you slaughter, do it in the best manner by first sharpening the knife, and putting the animal at ease.”
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Spot on PT- on both parts: a) the ones that don't want to hear will refuse to listen no matter what- which says more about them then it does us..


b) the rulings on slaughtering is exactly how the teachings have come through via Islam, as Prophet Muhammad said :






What Muhammad is claimed to have said is irrelevant in today's world so whilst you might choose to believe everything he had to say, non believers might choose to believe someone that is considered more credible.




A LEADING Scots vet has spoken out against what he claims is an "unacceptable" rise in the number of farm animals slaughtered by having their throats cut while fully conscious.


Although legislation permits shechita (Jewish) or halal (Muslim) "non-stun" slaughter, it states this must not cause "unnecessary suffering".


However Professor Bill Reilly, a past-president of the British Veterinary Association who witnessed shechita slaughter as a vet student in the 1970s, insists the animals suffer a great deal.

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Consider the 'paper cut' test.

Most people using photocopier paper have inadvertently cut a finger on the sharp edge.

It's noticed only later, when one sees a drop of blood that seeped out onto other paper.

That's just from paper. A trained slaughterman's knife is way sharper than that. The animal feels nothing at all. Cutting the main artery causes instantaneous loss of blood pressure in the brain and consequent absence of any pain whatsoever.

I'll ask again have you ever been present at the moment of slaughter? I have!


---------- Post added 06-08-2013 at 07:22 ----------


What Mafya said, below:-





I've tried telling them this, umpteen times, but they are so blinded by their bile and venom about Islam (and to a lesser extent Judaism) that they won't accept it.


Although I am a vegetarian, If I were to eat meat, I would want the animal being slaughtered for my meat to have been killed swiftly and cleanly, according to halal laws, as you describe, with the knife that has been honed sharper than a razor, and the animal treated humanely, and to be unaware of what is happening to it and its herd-mates.

You can google the disgusting slaughtering by the Halal method if you like and then come back and tell us that the animals suffer no pain.

BTW have you ever been present when the animals struggle and scream?

PS why don't they allow stunning of Halal slaughtered meat?

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