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Is the real economic crash about to happen?

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The UK and the USA realised their debt was getting rather too big to manage, and decided (or were forced) to do something about it. Unfortunately it hasnt worked. The debt continues to rise. Is the real crash- the one that happens when the world finally sees the elephant in the room- about to happen? Some well placed people think so-



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The UK and the USA realised their debt was getting rather too big to manage, and decided (or were forced) to do something about it. Unfortunately it hasnt worked. The debt continues to rise. Is the real crash- the one that happens when the world finally sees the elephant in the room- about to happen? Some well placed people think so-




Hya Lil Minx

I wondered why suddenly the housing market was picking up? Time to get us plebs into hoc again so that they can try and make a killing at our expense to save their necks?

Fortunately the majority of us have no 'investments' but I feel sorry for the ordinary Joe who has played the market with their pensions?

Time to look backward and concentrate on old time values. Refuse to fall for the hype to ditch what we have for a 'better model' which really doesn't exist; and make do with what we have.

What do you think the long term projection will be for us?

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Bottom line nobody knows if they did they would be rich!


There are plenty of very vocal commentators that seem to think that the markets are on the verge of a crash but there again many of them have been saying that since 2008.


I think dividends v interest rates is a big factor at present the fact is that plenty of ftse company's yield well over 4% and with many savings accounts offering next to nothing and even savings bonds offering pretty poor rates the money has to go somewhere.If company's look like they might have to cut dividends then that could be a time to worry.


---------- Post added 06-08-2013 at 16:54 ----------


“Be Fearful When Others Are Greedy and Greedy When Others Are Fearful”



― Warren Buffett


He makes some great calls I remember 2008 think it was when everyone was selling he was buying anyone whoever followed his advice then should be laughing now.


Also like his view on gold saying it is a valueless asset and offers no inherent value. look what's happened to gold recently many said that it would go up for ever!

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Hya Lil Minx

I wondered why suddenly the housing market was picking up? Time to get us plebs into hoc again so that they can try and make a killing at our expense to save their necks?

Fortunately the majority of us have no 'investments' but I feel sorry for the ordinary Joe who has played the market with their pensions?

Time to look backward and concentrate on old time values. Refuse to fall for the hype to ditch what we have for a 'better model' which really doesn't exist; and make do with what we have.

What do you think the long term projection will be for us?


Depends what you mean by long term..but in general our (the West) standards of living for the vast majority (say bottom 90%) will continue to decline, and life will become harder. Our cost of living simply cannot reduce, and there is no capacity in the world for our economy to boom again. We have had it good for a good while though.


Within the next 20/30/40 years increasing numbers of wars will begin to be fought to gain control of natural resources all over the world. This has always been the way since the start of mankind, and now with resources being depleted on such a large scale, twinned with a booming human population it's really going to kick off at some point. That is inevitable. There is always a mad man around to start things off.


I personally would only invest in property as whatever happens people will pay for a roof over their head.

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There will be bubbles and their will be crashes. It is in the natural order of things.


The real elephant in the room is over population. Unless this is addressed, and in my opinion it is best addressed by educating and empowering women we will be in serious trouble.


---------- Post added 06-08-2013 at 17:14 ----------


Why pay for it when you can take it by brute force?


It is the easiest thing to tax too.


What if your force is resisted? Don't think all revolutions come from the left.

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Bottom line nobody knows if they did they would be rich!


There are plenty of very vocal commentators that seem to think that the markets are on the verge of a crash but there again many of them have been saying that since 2008.


I think dividends v interest rates is a big factor at present the fact is that plenty of ftse company's yield well over 4% and with many savings accounts offering next to nothing and even savings bonds offering pretty poor rates the money has to go somewhere.If company's look like they might have to cut dividends then that could be a time to worry.


---------- Post added 06-08-2013 at 16:54 ----------



He makes some great calls I remember 2008 think it was when everyone was selling he was buying anyone whoever followed his advice then should be laughing now.


Also like his view on gold saying it is a valueless asset and offers no inherent value. look what's happened to gold recently many said that it would go up for ever![/quote]


My Bold=

The gold price fell because 500 tons of paper gold was dumped on the market by JP Morgan to manipulate the price, gold will shoot back up as it costs more than what it is at today to mine the stuff.

Why are central banks buying gold now that the price has been manipulated down?

Have a read= http://www.marketoracle.co.uk/Article39848.html



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There will be bubbles and their will be crashes. It is in the natural order of things.



Very true. Whatever the doom mongers say, the nature of capitalism is that you have peaks and troughs, boom and bust so it logically follows that as we come out of the recession then a boom period can't be far away.


It's just a pity there are so many negative people like the OP, wallowing in their own misery and continually predicting disasters around the corner. Back in the day they used to wander the streets with a "the end is nigh" placard, now they post on internet forums!

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