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Why don't pubs/clubs sell diet lemonade?

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Since starting Weightwatchers, I have been plagued with how many points are in fizzy drinks etc when I go out.


It's been the case for years that many places sell diet coke/coke zero/pepsi max etc which is great for those who like it as it's 0 points.


However, I hate coke :gag: but love lemonade, especially diet lemonade but I have yet to see any pub/club/restaurant that sells it.


Does anyone know why?

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Fair point, which I'm afraid I can't shed any light on. The range of soft drinks is lacking in most pubs, I find.


I understand you want a diet drink, but for your own health, try not to rely too heavily on artificial sweeteners like aspartame. It's linked to all sorts of cancers, diseases, and other problems, and actually makes you crave sweet things. It took >8 years to be approved by the FDA, was listed as a potential chemical weapon at one point(!), and is metabolised to methanol which is then converted to formaldehyde (an embalming agent) in the body. This actually makes it harder to shift fat, as the formaldehyde effectively fixes it. I just want people to know the dangers of these chemicals that are becoming increasingly prevalent. As long as you're happy to accept the risks for zero calories, that's your choice, but I feel people are being duped into thinking aspartame is 'healthy'.

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For the sake of balance let me point out that due to the controversy Aspartame is one of the most studied food additives in history and the current expert opinion is that at normal consumption levels there is no significant risk.

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Aspartame is one of the most studied food additives in history and the current expert opinion is that at normal consumption levels there is no significant risk.


Interesting read here http://www.holisticmed.com/aspartame/fm.html that suggests that the research saying it is safe is fundamentally flawed for several reasons, including that it's based on exposure only, but formaldehyde from aspartame accumulates in the body.


Back on topic, how about trying soda water with a bit of lime cordial (not 0 calories but can't be many, surely?), or just a slice of lemon? Not quite the sweetness of lemonade, but very refreshing.

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At work, I've been telling customers we don't sell diet lemonade when they asked - we have coke or diet coke, but lemonade is just labelled 'lemonade'. However, my manager informed me a few days ago that the lemonade is only diet lemonade, no full fat lemonade :o So maybe if you ask, you may be surprised!

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The range of soft drinks is lacking in most pubs, I find.


Yep that's what I've found too, it's a pain. I never drink alcohol in pubs because I'm always driving and there's a serious lack of interesting soft drinks available. I like ginger beer but lot of pubs don't even have that, just the "dry ginger" stuff that tastes of nothing in particular.

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Interesting read here http://www.holisticmed.com/aspartame/fm.html that suggests that the research saying it is safe is fundamentally flawed for several reasons, including that it's based on exposure only, but formaldehyde from aspartame accumulates in the body.


Back on topic, how about trying soda water with a bit of lime cordial (not 0 calories but can't be many, surely?), or just a slice of lemon? Not quite the sweetness of lemonade, but very refreshing.



I wrote a long post but it vanished with a software glitch.


A more reliable source:



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A more reliable source:




Personally, I would question the reliability of any article that discloses the following:

"Conflict of interest statement -

AGR is a scientific consultant to The International Sweeteners Association (ISA), Avenue des Gaulois 9, 1040 Brussels, Belgium, which is an organisation of producers and users of intense sweeteners."

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I can answser this question as I bought a bottle of lemonade for the first time in many years yesterday.


Unfortunately, Leah-Lacie's beaten me to it: there's no such thing as non-diet lemonade. Lemonade has <1% fat, <1% sugar and is about 1 calorie. It's nothing but water and a few chemicals.

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