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Women advice please on being sterilised.

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OK - I have 4 kids the eldest is 18 in July and the youngest is 4 in March. My 3 girls are by my ex husband who then had the snip, only for us to split a few years later and me to go on to have my son with my new bloke.


Because of this and the fact that my bloke is 6 years younger and would want another child if we split or I died I won't ask him to have a vasectomy.


Ive been on the pill since I was 17 and am now 42 :( so I figure it's quite a long time even though my doc says I should be OK for a while longer cos I don't smoke and am not overweight.


I am thinking about being sterilised though. The coil is not an option as I have heard that it makes you stink a bit!!!! and you can feel it! I also wouldn't feel too confident with it being 100% effective.


I have also heard bad things about being sterilised so have any of you been sterilised and have you had either good or bad effects from it and is it just a simple day procedure and how long and easy is the recovery.


I would be very to hear of your experiences on this please.

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Hi I was sterilised last july after having my third child in the January. I had this thing done called Essure. It takes about 20/30mins to have it done and doesnt hurt at all.. I had to stay on the pill for about 3mths after then went back for a scan to make sure it was in place. I would recomend it to any woman. Was back out and about after 45mins!!




Take a look anyway hun..

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Sterilization for a woman is much more risky than a vasectomy for a man. Have you spoken to your partner about it all. He may see your relationship as more long term than you realise and may be willing to have a vasectomy.


Failing that all methods of contraception have risks and are not 100% safe. Personally I think condoms are the better option.

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Where on earth did you hear those myths about the coil. If there's a smell, it is probably caused by an underlying infection, which may have nothing to do with the coil. As for being able to feel it, no you can't ~ it is inserted into the womb, past the cervix, and can't be felt externally in normal circumstances.


I had a coil fitted years ago but, being a teenager who was so worried about becoming pregnant, I had it removed a few months' later, and went back on the pill.


Sterilisation is a drastic measure, although, at the age of 42, and when you know that your family is complete, it is not a bad idea. I think you need to be sure that it is really what YOU want though, and that you're not just having an invasive procedure carried out to keep your partner happy.


Your local family planning clinic, or your GP, would be the place to go for proper advice on this.

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Have you considered the implant? It lasts for 3 years and you can have as many as you like. Its progestogen only so can be safer than the combined pill. Its fitted just under your skin on the top part of your arm. You can feel its there but not in an uncomfortable way. When I had mine fitted they told me no one had ever got pregnant with the implant. It does hurt a little having it fitted but it soon stops.


Good luck deciding.



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I'd think about a coil if I were you..I'm 35, have no intention of having kids but was fed up of being on the pill. I had mine fitted last October and wouldn't go back to anything else. The fitting was a bit painful like really bad period pains and it ached for about a week, I had bad cramps before my first 2 periods but since then everything has been fine. As for smell no idea where you get that from (well I've not noticed anything). Ok I did feel something for the first week but now nothing, nope and no worries about condoms splitting, forgetting pills etc its just always there and lasts for 8yrs. I had mine done at the central health clinic on Mulberry St. If you haven't already go and talk to someone there about all the options.

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There is no way my bloke will have a vasectomy and I think he is too young as he is 6 yrs younger than me and like I mentioned my ex hubby had one and then we split up so I would feel guilty having another man do that for me again. I am still not keen on the coil even though the things I have heard about them making you wiff a bit are obviously wrong.


I think I will look into the suggestion made about Essure from aim'n'Mark. I have never had any problems with the pill but to be on it for over 20 yrs does concern me a bit.

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I would advise any woman considering hystorectomy to read the following website A Little Wish


Although alot of the accounts onsite are from women who were given hysterectomies without consent, there is one story from a lady called Helen who did plan and gave consent.


Personally I would reccomend the above site to ANY woman.

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