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Would you rent out your driveway as a parking space?

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I had this idea years ago when walking to the tube station. The roads were full of commuter cars or parking was restricted to residents. People were desperate to park and some homes had driveways that could fit up to three cars. You could even let someone park in front of your drive, have a spare set of keys and sort the insurance so you can move the car as necessary. People would pay up to £50 a week in London to know they had a personal parking spot a few minutes walk from the station.

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Eric Pickles, minister for parking and bins, has backed people renting out their driveways as a parking space without the need for planning permission.


Although I'm not a fan of the buffoon I really can't see why anyone should need planning permission or the agreement of the local authority to use their driveway as a parking space. It's not as if they are building on it or setting up a fracking operation, they would simply be using the driveway as it was meant to be used.


Would anyone on here be willing to rent out their driveway? After all a driveway probably adds about £4000 to the price of a house and if you don't have a car why not try and recoup some of that cost?


You'd have to be pretty financially desperate to try and earn a bit of money doing that

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