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Beauty products in the 1950s and 1960s

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Hi Duffems,

I don't recall us having a 'hoover' until about 1960 ish; the same time as we got a TV?....My Step Dad would never have allowed me near it to do anything like dry my hair - he was a real tartar. My mum used to have a Ewbank, which was very innovative at that time? Especially when used as a pogo stick and had my legs leathered for it? Either that or she used a brush and shovel, or a mop, because we only had lino floors with a large pegged rug in the middle of the floor? Which Mum and Grandma would drag outside and hang on the line to bash with a big wicker bat? I used to help Gran peg rugs for the bedrooms. In fact she taught me everything I know about making things. Although she was well off , - having sold a Sweet and Newspaper shop on Dykes Hall Road, and her Husband being a Builder and Contractor -She used to buy everything from jumble sales... and would take a dress apart to make up a brown paper pattern for the next time she made a dress?. She also bought wool sweaters and would sit and take them apart, then skein them up and wash them, then I would wind them into balls on a three armed contraption that she attached to the stool. And then she'd knit them up into all manner of wonderfully patterned cardi's, hats, gloves and socks for all of us. She made tu tu's for the local dancing class, and bought sheets of leather and made bags and purses, that she sold at Fete's. I followed in her footsteps and became an avid creator of things, and produced mountains of stuff to raise money for School equipment at their Fairs and Care Homes. Then made flower arrangements which I sold at Craft Fairs for a few years..


Sorry for digressing... you know how it is when you get older, your mind wanders backward. LOL.


No apology required, we all regress to happier times.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Oh yes I'd forgotten about vitapoint that if you weren't carefull looked like brylcream. Focus hair colour I loved and me and a friend often shared one between us on a Friday night. The bath cubes true we always got those for Christmas but that also made me think how simple Christmas was then and a treasured a little pack of assorted lipsticks that a favourite aunt bought. Funny how reading this thread takes me back to the times I had no money but many happy times going up town with my friends to buy bits of make up the from the market.

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I remember Max Factor Sheer Genius. I used it for years. I was really upset when it was discontinued.




Goya (Evening in Paris)




Anyone remember this ad campaign from the 50s?


A blank billboard with the words "White Rain is coming - it's sweeping America now". Ran for months and had everybody wondering.


Turned out to be just another shampoo.


On a related note, I worked for a while at a granite quarry, they used to recover the fine particle dust from the crushers (so fine it trickled through your fingers like water) and ship it in truckloads to Yardley's as a base for their face powder and make-up.


We used to make our own "Brilliantine" from new electrical immersion switch oil, to which we added something like "Essence of violets" from Boots.

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Holiday magic

Mary Quant

Biba yellow 3 foundation(the best ever)

Miners make up at woolies

Charles of the ritz


Hai karate

Brunitex shampoo for brunettes

Princess Galitzia

Snowfire hand cream

Evening in paris by bourjois

Sta-blond shampoo for blondes


Twink&Toni perms

Happy face face cream & tanfastic fake tan which it did not it was in fact,rubbish

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