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BBQ Games or Challenge Ideas

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I am holding a BBQ in a few weeks for friends and was thinking we need some kind of game / challenge for people to do as a form of entertainment


not a drinking game or anything like that or even a team game, just something you can give to people like a mental challenge if that makes sense, something that should be very easy but will annoy the hell out of people not been able to do it.


ideas anyone?

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we used to play a game with a cardboard box...........place it on the floor and everyone has to use just their mouth to pick it up, only your feet must be on the floor so you cant put ur hand down to steady yourself, after each person has a go you then rip an inch of it so each time the cardboard gets lower and lower, anyone puts a hand down or falls over is out and let the best (most agile) person win..........of course there was the time when a friend tipped forward head first, crashed through the small fence and ended up in next doors pond! and no.....i didnt push them!

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what we usually do at our bbq is....

all the males are stood in an orderly queue, and whilst bent over have a rolled up newspaper stuffed up their rectum whilst drinking a can of special brew, then simultaneously the newspapers are lit with much excitement and giddiness from the remaining party goers, the winner is the one who can last the longest and resist all temptation to jump up and run round the garden in a blind panic whilst trying to waft their rear end to extinguish the flames....

This always goes down well at our parties and causes much amusement

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what we usually do at our bbq is....

all the males are stood in an orderly queue, and whilst bent over have a rolled up newspaper stuffed up their rectum whilst drinking a can of special brew, then simultaneously the newspapers are lit with much excitement and giddiness from the remaining party goers, the winner is the one who can last the longest and resist all temptation to jump up and run round the garden in a blind panic whilst trying to waft their rear end to extinguish the flames....

This always goes down well at our parties and causes much amusement


particularly useful on bonfire night one assumes :hihi:

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