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The Horse Racecourse in Sheffield


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I've seen a couple of references to a racecourse that used to be on Redmires Road past the Lodge Moor hospital around the turn of the 19th/20th century. Apparently it had grandstands, the lot, but didn't last very long.


Can anyone shed any more light on it?

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Never heard of that but I wonder if any remnants are still visible. Sounds interesting. Can you be a bit more specific as to it's location?

Might have to go and have a nosey (if it's not on private land obviously, officer...ahem).


There is an old oval track on the bottom of Wadlsey Common, near the Rose & Crown (or the top house as it's known locally). It's in a little flat clearing surrounded by a small bank. I've always wondered what that was used for, cos it really is quite small.

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Yes there was a racecourse on crookes moor, the first races were mentioned in 1711, and in 1713 it is recorded that the Town trustees were 'at charges to get horses to the races'. it stood where what is now fulwood road and there was a large grandstand built by the more wealthier inhabitants of sheffield.

The races were discontinued in 1781 when the land was enclosed and a few years later the grandstand was taken down.

James Wills wrote a poem about the crookesmoor races, published in 1827, it starts with the lines


' A noble racecourse, formed of hill and dale

Grandstand and starting post fenced round with rail....'

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Well in that case, we have at least TWO racecourses in Sheffield. I had heard about the one at Crookesmoor, but I thought it was a bit of an urban myth.


The one I am talking about is at Redmires Road on what was Redmires Camp where the Sheffield Battallion was trained in WW1. It extends from the Sportsman pub, right round, just follow the road. There is a plantation in a lot of it now. The gypsy camp is in a part of it now too.


You can still see the tall boundry walls on Redmires Road.


That's pretty much all that I know.

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Assuming this isn't where you first heard about it, the racecourse is referenced in the book called "Long Time Gone" by Chris Pitt (Amazon Link - but unavailable .


I borrowed the book from someone once and its a fascinating read about long gone racecourses. The book definitely mentions the redmires camp.


Sadly I had to return the book, and it is difficult to find a copy anywhere!

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  • 1 year later...

Hi Tony

I was in the Local Studies Library today and turned up the following:

Redmires Racecourse was built by a number of local businessmen following the closure of the one at Broomhill. It consisted of 65 acres opposite the THree Merry Lads, and cost £15,000 to build. The first meetings were held in 1875 and usually lasted 3 days. The course was elaborately laid out and enclosed (the perimeter wall is still there on the Redmires Road side and a short section opposite the bottom of Roper Hill). The course included a grandstand, and horses and jockeys were accommodated in Racecourse Farm, ( since demolished). The jockeys were housed above the horse boxes. The course was abandoned after two or three years because of poor attendances, probably due to its remote location. :thumbsup:

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