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Is there an on-line list of licensed helicopter pilots?

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It's so sad when people feel that they have to pretend to be something they're not...


More like 'sick' I'd say! :)


---------- Post added 12-09-2013 at 13:59 ----------


Ask to see their pilot licence. Simple. Should be a commercial one (blue cover).


Did you read post #47...? ;)

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Just a mere slip of the tongue...If you're gonna tell lies to someone, you might as well make it something glamorous....


Actually, I could be classed as a helicopter pilot...and Alcoblog could...we've both got model ones...But I suspect he's better at flying his than I am! :)


I've got a fork lift truck license too, although that's not my job...hahaha


Of course I'm a proper helicopter pilot Pete! ... how else would you explain this picture I took the other day whilst flying over Matlock Bath, on my way to a top scientist's convention? (I was guest speaker).

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Of course I'm a proper helicopter pilot Pete! ... how else would you explain this picture I took the other day whilst flying over Matlock Bath, on my way to a top scientist's convention? (I was guest speaker).


Ummmm....Google?.... maps?....hahahaha


Ok, so you're a 'proper' pilot....hahaha...but some of your leisure time is taken with flying the 'model' ones!...hahaha

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Was in a similar situation with (single at the time-) mother-in-law a long time back ('95 or '96 IIRC). It's not funny in the least. The guy (pro-level conman, with previous & clink time as we eventually found out) had her wrapped around his finger so well, nearly managed to split the family irreparably. Guy by the name of John May (he had aliases, unsurprisingly).


I managed to out him with the (involuntary) 'help' of EuroMotors in Thurcroft.


Guy had had his car repo'd while I was at home on my own with him: he made out to the M-i-L that, although he'd bought it legit, unbeknowst to him it was a stolen car (Rover 820 with all the trimmings) so he'd had to wave it goodbye. Of course, she wouldn't believe my version :mad:


Couple of days later I see the car on EuroMotors forecourt with a price tag as I pass, coming back from work :huh: I goes in and ask. They wouldn't tell me squat about provenance (fair enough). Luckily enough, I (genuinely) had CDs in the changer in the boot when the car was repo'd, so I asked them, if that was the car I was asking about (I knew it was, from reg), could they please retrieve the CDs as they were my property (told them exactly what the CDs were). Salesman goes to check, comes back with my CDs. Gotcha :twisted:


I'll always remember it, because on that very night the M-i-L confronted him, fireworks of course, then she ended up driving him 'home' with his P45 :D (he was renting a farm in High Bradfield IIRC) and that was late at night. So I tailed them discreetly in my old AX (for M-i-L safety, and she never copped I was there all along)...Dinnington to High Bradfield and return, with a blown headgasket, and keep up but stay discreet. Was an experience alright :hihi:

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Ummmm....Google?.... maps?....hahahaha


Ok, so you're a 'proper' pilot....hahaha...but some of your leisure time is taken with flying the 'model' ones!...hahaha


Completely wrong smarty-pants! :P ... taken with my own camera (the small one) :D

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Was in a similar situation with (single at the time-) mother-in-law a long time back ('95 or '96 IIRC). It's not funny in the least.......SNIP......


Well....Unfortunately, my 'friend' still can't see it. She's moved him into her place...he's unemployed...living there rent free...She's feeding him and working full time in a pretty hard job, barely getting minimum wage and usually struggles to keep her head above water on her own, never mind having some crettin sponge off her. And she's still blind to it, even though he's had to admit he's not a pilot and doesn't have a home or a job!....It beggars belief! :( ....Some people are beyond help!

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