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Are the big 4 "accountancy firms " running this country ?

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A chartered accountant friend of mine recalls training alongside members of the "big four" in the 1990's . There were no modules about employment training , or about how to audit or report upon a safe NHS . Fast-forward 10 to 15 years , and we now find that Deloittes ( Big 4 ) own EdExcel who certificate work experience programmes .......


Watching a Commons Select Committee meeting from 3rd July it turns out that Grant Thornton ( another of the "big 4" ) failed to disclose problems at Morecambe Bay NHS Trust and failed to report problems to the Care Quality Commission .

Members of the big 4 accountancy firms regularly get themselves seconded into Govt departments , advise them on new tax laws , then go away and tell their clients how to get around the rules they have reccommended .


Look at who runs the " respected" Kings Fund - Nigel Edwards , Senior Fellow of the Kings Fund and Director of Global Healthcare Group at KPMG ( one of the Big 4 accountancy firms )...........

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