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Are Prisons Required?

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Having recently been interested in the goings on at Alcatraz many years ago.


I have come to the conclusion that prisons are not required at all for anything.


I mean, it seams that to solve a problem, they create a law, and lock up people who they cannot fix.


I think prisons serve no purpose to humanity, all they do is make things worse.


Killers, rapists, robbers and everyone else who commits crimes should all be tested and monitored by doctors as to why they did what they did rather than locking them up like animals.


In 2013, we should no longer have any need for cages to lock people up, that is a medieval concept.


If we need to restrain people for prolonged periods then so be it, but not after we have studied them.


I don't think anyone is born evil, it is often their upbringing or what they have been brainwashed with.


On the other hand, to get rid of the overcrowded prisons, kill off all the serial killers, meaning the death penalty, if someone accidentally kills someone and gets life that is unjustified but if someone kills more than one person many times on purpose then they should give up their life too, simples.

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You're trying bedders I'll give you that. But you can't keep the punter in new controversy endlessly and you're getting towards the sad time in a less than genuine posters life where hanging up his bridge and settling down is the right thing to do. When you have to troll your own troll in the OP it's time.


Underbridge Meadows offer a lovely though expensive service, maybe a concerned relative could arrange an appointment?

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Having recently been interested in the goings on at Alcatraz many years ago.


I have come to the conclusion that prisons are not required at all for anything.


I mean, it seams that to solve a problem, they create a law, and lock up people who they cannot fix.


I think prisons serve no purpose to humanity, all they do is make things worse.


Killers, rapists, robbers and everyone else who commits crimes should all be tested and monitored by doctors as to why they did what they did rather than locking them up like animals.


In 2013, we should no longer have any need for cages to lock people up, that is a medieval concept.


If we need to restrain people for prolonged periods then so be it, but not after we have studied them.


I don't think anyone is born evil, it is often their upbringing or what they have been brainwashed with.


On the other hand, to get rid of the overcrowded prisons, kill off all the serial killers, meaning the death penalty, if someone accidentally kills someone and gets life that is unjustified but if someone kills more than one person many times on purpose then they should give up their life too, simples.






Life really is that simple. I'm now wondering if you're 13 with a poor educational background or facing a stretch at HM pleasure.

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I would imagine you would have a slightly different view of this if you had someone close to you raped or murderered. What about the kids that killed James bulger I believe they were born evil to do that at such a young age. But on the other hand prison doesn't seen to deter people these days!

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In the late 1950's / early 60's there was an Amercian tv sci fi series called

either the 'Twilight Zone' or 'The Outer Limits', in one particular episode

there were no prisons instead offenders had a big number chemically branded

on their head. After a fixed amount of time say 2 years, the branding would

disappear. Anyone who talked or assisted an offender were also branded. The

upshot of which the offender was ostracised from society for a fixed amount

of time.


So would it work in practise, I doubt it. But I would make an addition: a small

explosive charge around the offenders genitals.


If anyone can remember the episode and has a link to it can you please post it.

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Maybe they can be put on a course of tablets to control their desires to murder, rape and plunder.


Yes I'm sure those exist and I'm sure they'd happily take them everyday for the rest of their life :loopy:


Some people are just plain wrong, they should be removed from society and kept away.

In some countries they cut to the chase and just kill them, in ours we lock them up.

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