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Who pays for the pets

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There are people on this forum who would deprive people of ALL their rights and creature comforts. I despair of the lack of humanity regularly shown on this forum. If the tables were turned and they found themselves without work with very little chance of finding anything reasonable I think their attitudes would change somewhat. Clown shoes and Maxtor are fine examples of the moronic individuals who frequent this forum. I can only assume them to be trolls, if not they certainly have issues. Give them a job on a Zero hours contract........they seem to expect other people to do it.

Perhaps SF should have a Special Needs section...............these numptys fit the bill perfectly:




You have just answered for me Nimrod :) - though I'm also looking at it from the point of view of the animal, because it won't just be the owner that suffers.

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Why should they rehome it?

They've paid their National Insurance. They're perfectly entitled to claim benefit.


It's a cruel policy that would strip a man of his loved pet just because he had the bad fortune to lose his job.


They paid it, For them!

Their pets paid nothing and so deserve nothing except in certain circumstances :)

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I'm sure all the nasty people on this thread would soon change their mind if they found themselves out of work and struggling to find a new job.


Oh wait, of course they'd voluntarily give up everything they hold dear just so they could sit up on their high horse feeling smug! I think not.

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I'm sure all the nasty people on this thread would soon change their mind if they found themselves out of work and struggling to find a new job.


Oh wait, of course they'd voluntarily give up everything they hold dear just so they could sit up on their high horse feeling smug! I think not.


Hungry family eat pet.Feel full and smug.Even fuller if it's a high horse.Are those the ones you get in lasagne ?

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I'm sure all the nasty people on this thread would soon change their mind if they found themselves out of work and struggling to find a new job.


Oh wait, of course they'd voluntarily give up everything they hold dear just so they could sit up on their high horse feeling smug! I think not.


Nasty people? Or people who are just sick of having the pee taken out of them?

Yeah, id go for the second one. Look, if anyones that bothered about keeping a pet and dont want the hassle of having to listen to "nasty people" then just get a job and pay for the upkeep yourselves. Stop whinging and assuming the world owes you something. It doesnt!

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Their pets paid nothing and so deserve nothing

Pets don't get benefits. What point are you making here?

Look, if anyones that bothered about keeping a pet and dont want the hassle of having to listen to "nasty people" then just get a job and pay for the upkeep yourselves.

People do pay for their own pets. You seem to think benefits are a gift, and that claimants should be greatful. It's a system that we all pay into, and can use when we find ourselves umemployed or ill. Nobody has to justify their choice to have a pet, and that is something you have to get used to.

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Pets don't get benefits. What point are you making here?


People do pay for their own pets. You seem to think benefits are a gift, and that claimants should be greatful. It's a system that we all pay into, and can use when we find ourselves umemployed or ill. Nobody has to justify their choice to have a pet, and that is something you have to get used to.


Of course you should be grateful. I work for my money, you get yours for free.

Oh and give that time, im sure food vouchers and more benefit cuts are on the way.

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Nasty people? Or people who are just sick of having the pee taken out of them?

Yeah, id go for the second one. Look, if anyones that bothered about keeping a pet and dont want the hassle of having to listen to "nasty people" then just get a job and pay for the upkeep yourselves. Stop whinging and assuming the world owes you something. It doesnt!


The point is the vast majority of people on benefits AREN'T taking the pee out of anyone. They're normal people who have contributed to the system so why shouldn't they get some help back?


So if you lost your job, you wouldn't take JSA because you don't think the state owes you anything? You must be very lucky to be in a position to afford not to while you look for a new job, which doesn't necessarily happen overnight, again unless you're extremely lucky.


I think people with your attitude should be exempted from the system. You think the state doesn't owe people anything? Fine! No NHS, no JSA, no disability benefits, nothing for you. You become ill? Tough. You lose your job? Tough. If you think people should just pay in and never receive, fine go ahead and do that.


See how long before your opinion changes!

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No it isnt thats a stupid thing to say. Think like that and youll never work, and we know some people dont want to.

They dont mind having pets though. Strange that. In any case, if they "cant get a job" then get rid of the pets until they get one.

You're turning into a real little troller in your short time here, aren't you. Ease up a bit. You may be unemployed yourself some time. My son has been unable to work since being wounded in Iraq. He has three kids and two cats. I begrudge him none of them even though it costs me personally to help them.
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