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Gibraltar 300 years and counting.

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Gibraltar has been in British hands since 1704. However in 1713 The Spanish gave up their claim to the rock and ceded sovereignity to England by signing the Treaty of Utrecht.


So why are the Spanish kicking off yet again, and what should Britain do about it?.

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close the border, the amount of spanish people who work there would be suddenly unemployed should go down well with the spanish goverment


That would only suit the Spanish. Loads of Gibraltans work in Spain and commute daily. They'd be deprived of their livelihood. It would also mean the Spanish could close their airspace to flights in and out of Gibraltar. In effect closing the border would mean an economic blockade of Gibraltar which would hit it very hard.


"Gibraltar resident Amber Lyons, 21, said thousands of people who work across the border in Spain would be affected if they had to pay to cross over."


From http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-23567982

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Gibraltar isn't inside Schengen though, and it's exempted from the customs union, so there could well be wriggle room for the Spanish to be, shall we say foolish.


If they didn't like the Treaty of Utrecht though, they shouldn't have signed it. In perpetuity I think it said.....

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I've been to Gibraltar a few times and it always amazes me how the Spanish put up with it, how would we feel if a bunch of foreigners set up camp on the end of Cornwall or something I think we would soon be kicking off.I think we should give it back to them we are not the gunboat nation we used to be anymore,its part of their land we stole of them years ago..give it them back but make sure we take everything home with us and leave it as we found it a barren piece of nothing I think even the monkeys we imported from somewhere else they are not even natives..

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